first thing:
I gave up on using the editor VST a while ago, because it's just too slow to load the data, and then heaven forbid I should close the project, I have to do the whole thing again. In the end I found it to be too much of a workflow killer. Also I found it to be glitchy, as in latency and dropped notes. Has anyone else had this experience? if there is a way to make this better, I'm open to hearing it, although I've spent a lot of time trying to make this work and I'm just kind of burnt out.
main question:
so I've moved to setting up the motif as an External instrument in Cubase. Seems to work. And it's cool that if I change the patch in the inspector, it changes the patch on the motif. I'm wondering if there's a way to set it up bidirectionally so that I could change the patch on the motif and it would show the change in the inspector?
Windows 10
cubase 13 Pro
motif xf