Trying to use Motif Rack ES via USB with Win10 and Studio One Pro current version 4
Driver installed, USB connected, Motif set to USB, shows up in Win10 devices, Studio One sees the 8 different channels as separate devices.
Motif ES set up to receive in multi, channels 1-16
With USB, only the first channel (Ch1) works fine
Channels 2-8 do not produce sound (but the light blinks on the Motif when sending data on 2-8).
BTW, the Motif ES works fine with MIDI connection on channels 1-16, but using only 8 channels via USB is OK
I would like to get rid of my Microlite MIDI interface if possible
Attached image shows Win10 devices and the Studio One external device list (black inset)
Thank you for your help