Forum Etiquette for YamahaSynth

The YamahaSynth forum is a place where we are all united by a love of music, synthesizers and music production. The goal of the forum is to help people get the most from their Yamaha Synthesizer or Stage Keyboard. Here are a few guidelines to help make this possible.


The forum is not only a place to get assistance—it’s also a place to engage in the discussion. Your participation is what makes this space cool. In fact, it’s likely our knowledgeable community members will be the quickest to help solve your problems. Feel free to read the threads, but if you find one you like and have something to say, please do so. If you see a question that you know the answer to, please answer. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated, and you can feel good knowing you helped someone out.

Report Forum Issues

YamahaSynth is a website with a complex framework with lots of moving parts. We meet on a regular basis with our web developers to optimize the site. Sometimes there are glitches. If you see something amiss, have any problems logging in or find a thread that has been slammed with irrelevant bot posts please report them here.

Forum Guidelines

Please use the forum for support

The forum is designed to help you get the most out of your Yamaha Synthesizer or Stage Keyboard. Do you have a great idea for a product or a feature request? Join the YamahaSynth IdeaScale community! We created it for this reason so please share your idea there. IdeaScale is monitored by our product development team and the forum is monitored by our product support team. You’ll have better engagement posting in the appropriate place.

Be courteous and respectful

As mentioned above, everyone is here because we all love music, synthesizers and music production. These are all things that enrich our lives. Discussing these things should be equally enriching. When you’re posting, think about the concept of everyone being in the same room together and communicate accordingly.

Insults, ad hominem attacks and mocking will not be tolerated on the forum. If you’re having a problem with another forum member, please contact the moderators here.

Finally, we (Yamaha) are not above criticism. However, since the goal of this forum is to help people get the most out of their Yamaha Synthesizer or Stage Keyboard, we would direct this kind of feedback to our YamahaSynth IdeaScale community. The reason is not to avoid hearing the feedback. Rather, it’s to put it into a system that’s actionable.

Be specific

To help the community help you, it’s good include a few things in your post.

  • What are you trying to do?
    • Use case is always good to know; there may be more than one way to do what you want!
  • What have you tried?
    • This may indicate where something has gone wrong with a setting, connection, etc.
  • How is everything connected, set up, etc.?
    • What gear is involved or what settings have been made.

Knowing the things above can help resolve a problem sooner. Bonus items would be:

  • Images
  • Video link
  • Audio link
  • Link to a Soundmondo sound

Use Google translate if needed, but post in your language too.

YamahaSynth is presented in English. We certainly understand that English is not the first language for many of our forum participants. Translate your post to English when needed, but please include it in your language too! Sometimes the English translation isn’t entirely clear, so having it in the original language is helpful. Yamaha is an international company we can often forward a post to a subsidiary that speaks your same language.

Don’t YELL

Posting in all capital letters is seen as yelling. It feels angry and disrespectful. Please try not to post in all caps.

Forum FAQ

The FAQ is a living document intended to grow and evolve going forward. Common questions are listed along with our official responses.

When is the next product/OS coming?

Thank you for your question and enthusiasm for our products. We don’t pre-release information about upcoming products or OS updates.

Our focus is on creating great music-making products and resources to help you get the most out of those products. That said, we’re always working on the next future Synthesizer or Stage Keyboard. If you have any ideas for a future product or OS update, consider joining the YamahaSynth IdeaScale community. We want to hear from you!

How do I get my Yamaha Synthesizer or Stage Keyboard to work with a non-Yamaha synthesizer or keyboard? 

The great thing about posting here on the forums is that there may be a forum member who has the same product and can help. We (Yamaha) will try to help as much as we can but our expertise is in operating Yamaha instruments so we might not be able to help.

I think my synth/keyboard needs service, what should I do?

The first thing to do is to contact the dealer you purchased it from. They may be an authorized Yamaha service center or know who is. You can also contact Yamaha support directly. Go here for support options in the United States. For other countries, go here to find your region.

I can’t log in to the forums. What can I do?

YamahaSynth users must have an active My Yamaha account to post in the forum. When you go to and click on “Sign in”, you are redirected to the site to log in. Once you log in you are taken back to

Sometimes browsers are not configured to accept this type of log in. Yamaha uses this single sign in protocol so our users can sign into multiple websites at the simultaneously. This is needed feature for the diverse needs of all our customers, including our valued YamahSynth community. The way the login is supposed to work is:

1. Click “Sign In”, located in the upper right corner on YamahaSynth:

FE 1

2. You’ll be redirected to the “My Yamaha” log in page:

FE 2

3. Enter your email address and password. Use the same email every time. If you forgot your password or would like a new one, select “New Password” to reset. Depending on the browser, two things may happen:

     – An iframe opens for login to My Yamaha
     – A separate window opens for login to My Yamaha

4. Once signed in, you will be redirected and logged in to YamahaSynth and logged in.

The issue a small number of users face is related to the fact that there are two different domains at play. Recently there have been increasing restrictions in different browsers for cross domain data sharing which has caused log in problems. Your browser must be configured to accept third party cookies. We have found this to be one of the biggest obstacles to log in failures.

For those of you having issues we recommend trying the Firefox browser which we have found to be the most reliable with cross domain sharing. When you log in to Firefox, you may see this dialog:

FE 3

Click “Resend” and you’ll be logged in. This happens automatically in some browsers.

If you have any issues issue logging in, please let us know at

John Melas YC Tools

We are pleased to announce John Melas’ YC Tools. The editor allows easy access to all YC parameters in a single screen while the librarian makes Live Set organization a breeze. Check out a few screen shots below:
John Melas YC 1John Melas YC 2Check out John’s YC Tools demo here. Learn more here.

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