Tech Talk Spotlight: YC Series

Tech Talk Spotlights focus on a specific topics. In this Spotlight, we’ve collected all the Yamaha YC Series Stage Keyboard Tech Talks. Check out the playlist below with videos in English and German:

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FM Synthesis Collection: Manny’s FM-Xplorations

Manny Fernandez is a master programmer. He’s been creating sounds for Yamaha synthesizers since the 80s and has lots of great tips and tricks to share in his FM-Xplorations series. Check out the articles below from our FM Synthesis Collection:

FM-Xplorations, Article 1
FM-Xplorations, Article 2
FM-Xplorations, Article 3
FM-Xplorations, Article 4
FM-Xplorations, Article 5

Questions/comments? Join the conversation on the Forum here.

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