SynthBits: Manuele Montesanti Drift-Lab “Moonlight” Release

Manuele Montesanti assembled this amazing band for the release his composition “Moonlight”. He used YC61, CP88 and MONTAGE7 exclusively and recorded everything in Cubase Pro. It sounds GREAT! Joining Manuele in the videos are Yamaha and Line 6 artist Matteo Mancuso on guitar, Yamaha drum artist Daniele Chiantese and bassist Federico Malaman. Check it out below!

Livestream release video:


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Free YC Sounds from YamahaSynth!

If you haven’t figured it out yet I LOVE the YC. It is incredibly versatile, has an easy user interface that allows lots of possilbities without too much deep diving and it sounds GREAT! I created these 8 Live Set Sounds and uploaded them to Soundmondo to check out. I find them all very useful and inspiring. I explained how I created them in the descriptions. Check them out below:

  • Mean SevenTfree: For most of my EP needs I choose the 73Rd. I like this one for it’s mellowness and vintage quality and have spent a lot of time finding ways I can enhance certain frequencies for different uses. I used the “Case” setting in the Speaker/Amp Section with the Tone all the way up and drive at 12 o’clock. It gives it that “mean” quality great for R&B, funk, rock and jazz fusion. Keys B has Synth Bass ready with the Low Pass Filter effect. Over in the Organ Section I chose F3 organ and assigned the Effect Section with the Low Pass Filter effect. Both Keys B and Organ are set to the left with G2 as the split point and default “Off”. Adding these two Sections gives you a seriously fat bass!
  • SoulCryr: I chose H3 for this Live Set Sound because of its unique Organ Percussion and overall timbre. It has a breathy yet present character. I like this sound on R&B, soul, gospel and country. Keys A and B have Wr Wide and 73Rd ready if you need some vintage EP to go with it. This is a more conventional Live Set Sound that is useful many situations.
  • Blake’s Wurld: My go-to reed piano. I assigned “Case” from the the Speaker/Amp Section to this sound. This simulates the electric piano cabinet and amp system. I increased the amount of drive and pulled the tone back to get to the overdriven result. In Keys B is the synth Voice “Nu Mini” with Touch Wah and Digital Delay (default is “Off”). This sound as a cool buzziness that I love. Over in the Organ section you’ll find H3 with it’s distinctive percussion sound. I routed the Effect Section to the Organ and selected Simple Rotary as an effect. The modulation slider is assigned to control rotary speaker speed (Set that under Settings/Controllers/Modulation Lever/Assign and move the Effect Rate Knob to assign).
  • Blake’s DoubRd: I like elements of both the electric pianos in Keys A and Keys B. In Keys A, the 75Rd Funky Voice has a played-in “barkiness” and 67Rd Dark has a nice midrange thing. I layered them in the Live Set sound. For the 67Rd in Keys B, I pulled the volume down, set the tone all the way to the left to make it darker and assigned the Low Pass Filter and Compressor in Effect 1 and 2 respectively. This Voice plays a supportive role and is meant to thicken the overall EP sound. Keys A with the 75Rd Funky Voice has Volume set to max and Tone at 3 o’clock with Compressor assigned in Effect 1 (Small Phaser is in Effect 2 set to “Off”). The Organ Section is currently Off but you’ll find the F1 organ set at 82800000. I’m using the “Case” Setting in the Speaker/Amp section so I assigned the the Effect to the Organ Section, selected Simple Rotary and assigned the Rate knob (which controls the rotary speaker speed) to the Modulation Lever (Again, do this under Settings/Controllers/Modulation Lever/Assign and move the Effect Rate Knob to assign).
  • H2 Blue Dreams: The H2 Voice has a different vibe. It has a “played in” sound and for that reason it sounds great with drawbar settings like the one I set here for the Upper manual (800200048). I have percussion on so you don’t hear that 9th 1′ drawbar unless you either disengage percussion OR change the setting under Settings/Sound/Organ Settings and turn “Perc. Link to 1feet” to “Off” (it is set to “On” as on a vintage drawbar organ). The lower manual is set to “888000000” with Chorus 1. Keys A and B are off in this Live Set but have the reed EP “Wr Wide” with Tremolo and Compression and the synth lead “Classic Mini” with analog delay and simple rotary effect set to mono ready for action when needed.
  • Blake Low/Up H1: This is one of my go-to two manual organs. The lower manual is set up an octave with the setting 504000005 with C1 on. I like this as a left hand comp. The upper manual is 888100000, a nice standard drawbar setting for lots of music. One of the keys to this sound is the balance between Horn and Rotor level in the Rotary Speaker (Settings/Sound/Rotary Speaker/Level). I decreased the Horn Level to 60 and increased the Rotor Level to 112. This rolls back the high end and enhances the low mids. You can further shape the sound of the organ with the Drive and Tone knobs in the Speaker/Amp section and use the Master EQ if needed. In the Keys Section you’ll find the CFX in Keys A and “Classic Mini”, a synth lead sound set to mono (Both set to OFF).
  • Blake’s C7 II: Another version of the C7 with the Voice “Dark Light” in Keys B as a pad with Reverse Reverb and Delay. In the Organ Section is the sine wave F1 Organ with the drawbar setting 10320002. Under Settings/Controllers/Receive SW you’ll find I turned the Sustain Pedal on for the organ section since it is functioning as a pad.
  • Blake’s CFX: This is my basic CFX sound. Turn off the Keys B section and Organ Section if you don’t want the Pad. Keys B Voice “Fat Saw” is a nice pad. In the Organ Section is H1 with a setting of 0000400004. This is a nice whistler pad that works behind the piano. Under Settings/Controllers/Receive SW you’ll find I turned the sustain pedal on for the organ section.

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