Tech Talk: CP/MODX MIDI Connectivity

The September 15 episode of Tech Talk Live was all about connecting the Yamaha CP73/88 Stage Piano and MODX. We demonstrated how to use CP as both a master keyboard controller and as a tone generator with MODX. We showed you how you can use this connected two-keyboard set up in creative ways. 

Check out the replays below:

German Edition with Hans-Peter Henkel:

English Edition with Blake Angelos:

SynthBits: SonicState YC61 Sound Demo

At the end of the day it’s all about sounds. The video below is exactly that: Just sounds from the Yamaha YC61. Want to hear this how robust, compact and lightweight Stage Keyboard does great synth sounds? Jump to 1:15 and check it out. Overall keyboardist Jim Heywood from Earmonkey Music focuses on the sounds of the Keys Section and it sounds GREAT! Check it out below:

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