SynthBits: Hark! The MODX Does Sing!

Check out this classic carol from Dr. Mix! He uses the lead Performance “In Da Night” polyphonically and reharmonizes it brilliantly. Enjoy!

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Holiday Goodies from YamahaSynth

The holidays are the perfect time to grab all the cool things you can get for your MONTAGE or MODX!

Chick’s Mark V for MONTAGE and MODX: The Chick Corea Mark V for MONTAGE features 16 all new Performances utilizing data sampled from Chick Corea’s customized Mark V electric piano. With the powerful Motion Control Synthesis engine in MONTAGE, these new Performances take on new life and offer new creative possibilities.

MONTAGE Expanded for MONTAGE and MODX: A total of 256 Performances from Easy Sounds and Cool Webinars!

KApro CS80 Performance Library for MONTAGE and MODX: The CS80 Performance Library features 164 Performances for MONTAGE and MODX featuring custom samples from an actual CS80.  

Bösendorfer Imperial 290 for MONTAGE and MODX: Yamaha offers the Bösendorfer 290 Imperial Grand Piano library as a free download. This piano is a nice contrast to the incredible onboard CFX Concert grand. The 16 included Performances offer a wide range of creative possibilities. 

SampleRobot MONTAGE Edition: This exclusive offer just for MONTAGE Owners just got cooler with a brand new version offering new features! If you have a MONTAGE you will want to grab this free version of SampleRobot MONTAGE Edition!

And for ALL Yamaha Synth owners, try Camelot Pro! Download your Camelot Pro copy now, and for Yamaha Synth owners try the full version FREE for three months with an option to purchase for 40% off.

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