Tech Talk Replay: Superbooth 19-Camelot Pro

Camelot Pro is an indispensable tool for anyone needing a robust solution for MIDI hardware and software connectivity. The control this affordable software gives you is remarkable and it works on Mac, PC and iOS. Who better to show you than the Milan-based developers Emanuele Parravicini and Simone Capitani. Check it out below!


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Behind the Synth Episode 004: Manny Fernandez and the SY99

You know Manny Fernandez from his articles on FM Synthesis on YamahaSynth. Manny stopped by the Synth Space for this great discussion about one of his favorite synthesizers of all time: The SY99. He has been a sound designer on lots of great synths like the DX7II, FS1R and MONTAGE, but he feels like there was something really special about the SY99. When he demonstrated some of his custom Voices we were blown away by how great it sounded. The SY99 was introduced in 1991 and still sounds amazing, and the conversation with Manny was one of the best in the series. Check out the episode below: 

We’ll have Manny back on later episodes of Behind the Synth coming soon! In the meantime like and follow the Behind the Synth podcast on Soundcloud! Got an SY99 story? Send us an email at or post in Forum: We’d love to hear from you!

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