Superbooth 19: Thorsten Bösing, Ulf Kaiser and Jairo Ubiaño

There were lots of cool impromptu jams at Superbooth. The one below featuring Thorsten Bösing playing reface CS along with a Polyend Seq and Ulf Kasier playing MONTAGE and reface DX with the Dtronics DT-RDX was made even cooler when Madrid-based drummer Jairo Ubiano playing the Live Custom Hybrid Oak kit and EAD-10 joined in. Check it out below:

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Superbooth 19: Rebeca Nayla and Moira Muñoz Performance

With two MODX keyboards, reface dx and a circuit-bent RX17 drum machine, Rebeca Nayla and Moira Muñoz performed the most visually engaging set of the entire show. The sounds coming from MODX are amazing! Check it out below!

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