Behind the Synth: The RM1x Sequence Remixer

In this episode Nate and Blake explore the RM1x Sequence Remixer. Recorded in the Yamaha Synth Space, the lads discuss this cool blue box of groove, play some of the Patterns and explore some sounds. Fun Fact: Nate programmed some of the Preset Patterns which sound remarkably fresh for being 20 years old! Learn about this and more in this weeks episode of “Behind the Synth”. Like and subscribe on Soundcloud!

Got an RM1x and want to share your experiences or music? Let us know in the forum or send an email to We’d love to hear from you!

Superbooth 19: Dom Sigalas, CP88 and DAW Integration

With a single USB cable CP88 and CP73 you can connect both MIDI and stereo audio to a Mac, PC or an iOS device (with a simple Lightning to USB adapter). In the video below Dom shows you some of the cool things you can do when connected to Cubase. He shows how easy it is to both record and monitor virtual instruments. Dom ahows deep control over RAST-A, a powerful analog-style VST instrument for HALion, using the front panel controls of CP88. Check it out below!

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