SynthBits: Synthesizers, As Digested by a Classical Musician (Nahre Sol)

We’ve featured Nahre Sol on YamahaSynth playing a fugue at the beach and exploring a reface CP/looper combination. She’s a talented classically-trained pianist and composer whose YouTube channel features great videos about different musical genres, the creative process, music history and music technology. 

The video below chronicles Nahre’s quest to find out how “synthesized sounds can enhance, augment and at times stand in place of traditional acoustic sounds in the context of contemporary music”. Along the way she visits musicians with modular systems, modern and vintage synthesizers like the DX7 and ends with a very cool piece written and performed on the CP88 Stage Piano. Check out the full video below:

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Behind the Synth Podcast! Episode 001 Available Now!

Yamaha presents Behind the Synth, a podcast featuring conversations about music and Yamaha Synthesizers with musicians, producers, sound designers, developers and more. Get to know the people Behind the Synth. New episodes weekly!

Episode 001 introduces Behind the Synth hosts, Blake Angelos and Nate Tschetter. Check it out below! Like and subscribe on Soundcloud @ Yamaha Synth! Or check it out below!

We’ve also added a Behind the Synth forum to discuss each episode. Join the discussion or post your questions and topics here and we’ll try to answer in future episodes.

Stay tuned for Episode 002 coming next week!

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