Francesco Tristano: Two Yamahas, One Passion

Yamaha Artist and internationally renowned pianist Francesco Tristano recently teamed up with Yamaha MotoGP riders Valentino Rossi, Maverick Viñales, Johann Zarco, Hafizh Syahrin and Katsuyuki Nakasuga to create a unique collaboration. After an interesting discussion between the motorcyclists and musician, Tristano debuted “Time Grid”, an orginal piece featuring MONTAGE, reface CS and CFX Concert Grand. Check out the video of Tristano’s performance below and go here to view the event page:

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Moessieurs Mondays: FM-X Operator Level and Copy

Carrier levels change the overall volume and modulator levels change the timbre. Understanding this concept is crucial in FM-X programming and this video breaks it down nicely. He also shows you how to copy one operator to another with a simple shortcut. Check it out below:

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