MONTAGE OS v2.5: Arp Record

In MONTAGE OS v2.5, the ability to choose whether or not to record data generated by the MONTAGE Arpeggiator was added. There are benefits to both approaches – I’ll cover that later in the article- but before getting into the new Arp record feature in MONTAGE OS v2.5, some background on Arpeggios might be helpful: why they are cool and basic concepts on how you can creatively use them.

One of the cool features of the MOTIF series was the inclusion of a large Arpeggio database, and each MOTIF version (MOTIF, MOTIF ES, MOTIF XS, MOTIF XF) added more Arp content over the years. With MONTAGE, all the 7881 Arpeggio phrases from MOTIF XF are included along with over 2000 more. Furthermore, because a MONTAGE Performance contains 8 directly playable Parts (as opposed to 4 playable Parts on MOTIF XF), 8 simultaneous Arpeggios can play simultaneously.

Arpeggios are great places to start when composing songs because you can get music happening immediately by playing a few chords—the Arpeggios do the rest! The Arpeggio engine and the database included with MONTAGE are a great feature, and there are a few articles on YamahaSynth covering Arps likeMastering MONTAGE:

The 4-Track Arpeggio
Mastering MONTAGE: Arp Rec on DAW
Arpeggio Making 101, Part I
Arpeggio Making 101, Part II

With Arpeggios, I find that sometimes there is confusion with what is actually being recorded by a sequencer. A question I have gotten many times over the years is: “I recorded this cool Arpeggio Performance but when I play it back in my computer sequencer all I get are single chords. How do I get all those notes to record?” That is what this article is all about: How to get all those notes to record, why that can be cool and why it can be cool to NOT record all those notes!

MIDI Rec on DAW/Arp Rec on DAW

MONTAGE actually has a visual way to show you the difference between the two ways Arps are recorded to a sequencer. Press [UTILITY] and touch “Settings” then Quick Setup” and touch “MIDI Rec on DAW”. The important thing to see is that the Arpeggiator sits after the MIDI output data path:
1 MIDI Rec on DAWNow touch “Arp Rec on DAW”. The Arpeggiator now comes before the MIDI Out data path:
2 Arp Rec on DAWThis is why this setting is called “Arp Rec on DAW”: The Arpeggio data comes before the MIDI out and passes to the DAW.

This choice is what you now have in MONTAGE OS v2.5 when recording to the onboard Performance Song Record: To record the notes that trigger the Arpeggiator, OR, to record the notes generated by the Arpeggiator. Both of these are useful for different reasons.

Recording the Performance “FM&AN Classic Arps” With and Without Arp

For this article I chose one of my favorite Arpeggio Performances “FM&AN Classic Arps”, a 4-Part Performance with 1 FM Part and 3 AWM2 Parts. Parts 1-3 have Arpeggios assigned and Part 4 is a nice Pad sound:
3 FM AN ClassicArpI recorded an 8-measure chord passage and created two separate songs. The first time I recorded with Arp Record “ON”. I then created a second song with the exact same chords but for that one I recorded with Arp Record “OFF”. Check it out below. Here is the first recording:4 New song ARP REC ON…and the second recording….
5 New Song ARP REC OFFNow I have my two Song recordings. In the first version with Arp Rec “ON” the Arpeggio data was recorded as note data: The Arpeggiator sits before the Song Recorder. In the second version with Arp Rec “OFF”, only the chord data was recorded with no Arpeggio generated note data: The Arpeggiator sits after the Song Recorder.

After the Songs were created I named them “FM&AN_W-ARP” (with ARP) and “FM&AN_W-O ARP” (without ARP). Here they are in my MONTAGE (under Utility/Contents/Data Utility/Songs). Note the Arp tag appears in the actual file:
6 Utility

Importing the Songs into the DAW

Let’s take a look at them in Cubase. To bring them into Cubase I could have exported them from MONTAGE as MIDI files to a flash drive, taken the flash drive out of MONTAGE and put it into the computer and loaded that way…OR I could just use MONTAGE Connect and simply drag them from the Connect right into Cubase. I chose MONTAGE Connect (obviously). Check it out below:
7 Drag the SongI dragged both songs over, created a marker track and named the tracks. Check out the difference between the files:
8 Both Songs in Cubase

To Arp or Not to Arp…That is the Question

There are different reasons why you’d want to record Songs with Arp Rec ON or Arp Rec OFF:


With Arp Rec ON you get all the note data generated by the Arpeggiator. What I find creatively interesting is copying the tracks to virtual instruments or different external tone generators to come up with different sounds.

Quick Tip: When you record a MONTAGE Performance with Arps into a DAW and want to play them back correctly you MUST turn off all the Arps first! To do this press and hold [SHIFT} and touch the [ARP ON/OFF] button. This enables Arpeggio Bypass. If you don’t do this the notes coming back from the DAW will retrigger the Arpeggios in MONTAGE and it not sound as expected!

In the audio example below I used the Performance “FM&AN Classic Arps”, copied the Arp tracks to three different Virtual Instruments in Cubase (Retrologue, Spector and Dark Planet) and added a few audio loops. I only used the generated Arp data and simply brought tracks in and out. Check it out below:
With a single MONTAGE and a DAW, the amount of music you can create using the Arps is really amazing!

Arp Rec OFF:

The main benefit of recording just the chords and not the generated Arpeggio data is you can try out different Performances with different Arpeggios using the same chord progression. In the examples below, I selected three very different Performances with Arps: “Purple Stone” (Originally a MOTIF XF Performance now included in the MONTAGE Preset memory with Super Knob programming added), “Songwriter 2015” and “Cool Dis Comp”.

With each of these Performances I touched “Play/Rec”, touched on the “Song Name” and loaded my song “FM&AN_W-O ARP”. I set the Loop to “ON” and press play. Because the Song playback triggers the Arps because Song playback sits before the Arpeggiator. The cool thing is any Super Knob movement, Scene changes, or any Rotary Encoder movements like filter sweeps, ADSR changes, or Arp control changes like “Gate Time” or “Velocity” – all can be used in real time while playing back. You can get a lot of mileage out of a simple chord progression which is great for creative experimentation. Check out the songs below using these three contrasting Performances:

Try out some of the approaches with your system. There are LOTS of creative ways to use Arpeggio content!

Want to share your thoughts/comments? Join the conversation on the Forum here.

MONTAGE OS v2.5: Using the New DAW Remote Feature in Cubase

MONTAGE OS v2.5 adds powerful DAW remote control of Cubase, Logic, Ableton Live and ProTools. This article covers basic set up in Cubase. Stay tuned for upcoming article on the other support DAW platform!

What you will need:

Connnection and Setup

Connect your MONTAGE to the computer via USB and launch Cubase. If you see a dialog asking the audio interface you will be using select MONTAGE. Once Cubase launches you will see a project screen. Cubase includes a template called “Yamaha MONTAGE multi channel recording” under the “Recording” selection:

1 Project Template

This sets up a project containing:

  • MIDI folder with 16 MIDI tracks for each available part.
  • An audio folder with 16 stereo audio tracks for each part.
  • A SysEx track for any System Exclusive data.
  • The MONTAGE Connect VST component.

Launching this project starts you off with a screen that looks like this:

3 Cubase Template Open

(Note that MONTAGE Connect automatically captured the Performance I using since it was set to “Auto Sync”. That’s pretty cool!)

Set up MONTAGE as a Cubase Remote

Under the “Studio” menu select “Open Studio Setup:

2 Studio Set Up

This is where overall MIDI, audio, video and remote settings are configured within Cubase. Starting at the top of the list under the MIDI folder is “MIDI Port Setup”. Open that up and ensure that only “MONTAGE Port1” is selected in the “In ALL MIDI Inputs” box:

4 MIDI Port Setup

A quick explanation of MONTAGE USB MIDI Ports:

  • MONTAGE Port1 is where MIDI communication for recording (note data, control data, etc.) and MONTAGE Connect communication occurs.
  • MONTAGE Port2 is exclusively set up for DAW remote communication.
  • MONTAGE Port3 is used as a MIDI Thru Port (MIDI data received over Port 3 via the [USB TO HOST] port is re-transmitted to an external MIDI device connected via a standard MIDI cable to the MONTAGE MIDI OUT terminal).

Set Up MONTAGE Remote Communication

In the same Studio Set Up window click on “Remote Devices” and touch the “+” icon at the top of the menu and select “Mackie Control”:

5 Mackie Control

The MONTAGE DAW Remote function is based on the tried and true Mackie Control protocol and this is the reason it is selected.

Once Mackie Control is selected a list of User Commands appears on the right. The [SCENE] buttons on MONTAGE become Function buttons that can be configured in in this window for a wide range of customization options. In the graphic below I have configured these buttons for MIDI editing options:

6 Scene F Keys

These can easily be reconfigured for different workflow needs like audio recording, mixing or mastering.
Cubase is now configured. Touch the “Apply” button and press “OK” to return to the main Cubase Project window. Now let’s explore the DAW remote set up on MONTAGE.


In OS v2.5 Performances now have a “Remote” tab that appears in the bottom left corner of the Performance Home screen:

7 Main Perf Screen

The Remote Mode has several modes for different workflows:

Track: This is the Mode used for mixing and editing multiple tracks in Cubase. In Track Mode the MONTAGE Rotary Encoders control Pan Position, the Faders control track level and the Scene buttons address the custom User Commands set up in Cubase (above). Below is the Track Mode screen on MONTAGE and a screen shot of the corresponding Cubase Project with the MIDI tracks named:

8 TrackControlCubase

In Cubase I can view the mixer under “Studio/Mix Console” or by pressing F3 on the computer keyboard (I can also set up one of the [SCENE] buttons on MONTAGE to open the mixer too). Below is a photo of my MONTAGE mixer and the Cubase Mix Console. You can see that the Faders and Rotary Encoders on MONTAGE correspond to the mixer in Cubase:

9 Fader Mixer

Additionally, the buttons on the right-hand side of MONTAGE select, mute, solo and record arm Cubase tracks and the [BANK] and [PAGE] buttons move groups of 8 tracks together or incrementally:

10 MONTAGECubaseTrackbutton

Plugin: When the Plugin Mode is selected the Rotary Encoders, Faders and [SCENE] buttons send continuous controller data for controlling virtual instruments and effects:

11 Plugin Mode

Touching on “Control2” at the top of the screen allows you to configure MIDI control change (CC) messages for other physical controls like [ASSIGN1/2] buttons, Foot Controllers, Foot Switch and more:

12 Control2 Plugin

It’s easy to set this up in Cubase using the “Learn CC” feature. “Learn CC” lets you assign controllers by selecting a virtual instrument or effect parameter and right-click that parameter. The example below shows this with the Retrologue 2 virtual analog synthesizer in Cubase. In this instance I have right-clicked (or Control+Click) on the Sub Oscillator Level, selected “Learn CC” and moved Rotary Encoder 8 on MONTAGE to set that control to the Retrologue2 Sub Oscillator level:

13 retrologue control

Note that you can easily reconfigure that control with the “Forget CC” and you can set minimum and maximum values in the virtual instrument to fine tune that control. These set ups are Project specific in Cubase. If you want to set up a Plugin control for a specific virtual instrument or VST effect it is recommended you create a template in Cubase that has all of the controls set for your workflow.

Transport: MONTAGE is a musical instrument so the new Remote feature in OS v2.5 includes a Transport Mode allowing simultaneous control of both MONTAGE and Cubase transport functions. Only the physical transport controls on MONTAGE are active for Cubase; the other panel controls function the same. This is useful for recording changes in real-time to Cubase like Scene switching, Super Knob motions and so on.

Additional Remote Mode Features

A few other features are important to point out in the Remote screen:

14 LocalCursorDial
  • Local: At the bottom of the Screen is “Local” for Local Control on or off. This is a nice shortcut when you are working with a DAW because you don’t have to go to Utility to address this important function.
  • Use for Remote Cursor and Dial: There are times when you want to use the Cursor and Dial controls on MONTAGE to control the DAW or to control MONTAGE. When the Cursor and Dial buttons in the Remote screen are on (as in the graphic above) they will control Cubase. The MONTAGE Dial moves the time line in Cubase and the Cursor controls (the up/down/left/right buttons below the dial) move between Cubase tracks and select individual MIDI or audio recordings.
  • Track: The Track arrows select groups of 8 tracks in Cubase in the same way as the MONTAGE Part [MUTE]/[SOLO] buttons on the far right. 

The new Remote feature makes MONTAGE an even bigger part of your music production system. Although this article is about using the feature with Cubase, users of other DAWs should find the information here relevant.

Stay tuned for articles on using the MONTAGE Remote with Logic, Ableton Live and ProTools coming soon!

In the meantime, want to share your thoughts/comments? Join the conversation on the Forum here.

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