Yaffra on CK

“…I’m always searching for new sounds, because that’s the thing that drives my composition into new areas.”

YAFFRA is a Berlin based pianist, producer, and composer. Born and raised in London, his music is an eclectic mix of acoustic and electronic instruments fusing elements of jazz, R&B, pop, and percussion. Learn more about YAFFRA and what he likes about the CK61 in the video below:

Signature Artist Sounds: Belle Chen

“When I create a new sound, I tend to start them from scratch. I like to explore the potentials of the instrument without any preconceptions, and I lean in very heavily on the effects, often to try and mimic the sounds I hear in real life.”- Belle Chen

Pianist and composer Belle Chen created three wonderfully playable sounds for the CK Series Stage Keyboard. Learn more about Belle’s creative process, links to her sounds on Soundmondo and demonstration videos below.

Signature Artist Sound Overview

Signature Artist Sound: “PIANO DREAM”

Signature Artist Sound: “SAKURA”

Signature Artist Sound: “TROPICAL JUNGLE”

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