MOTIF XS Part Copy

The Voice assigned to the PART produces a different sound from the one in the Voice mode.  
_ This is normal because the Voice sound is determined by the parameter settings in the Performance/Mixing mode.
To solve this problem, you will need to apply the same parameter settings as those used in the Voice mode via the following steps:

If you want to bring a VOICE into a PATTERN or SONG MIXING setup (or into a PERFORMANCE) as it is setup in VOICE mode, remember to turn the “PARAMETER WITH VOICE” feature ON first.
From [SONG] or [PATTERN] mode
Press [MIXING]

Press [EDIT]
Press Track Select button [1]

This will allow you to see the parameters for the Voice in PART 01

Press [F1] VOICE
Press [SF1] VOICE
Find the parameter called “Param. with Voice”
Highlight this parameter and turn it ON


Now move up and select your Voice, by BANK and NUMBER.. by doing so the XS will automatically copy in the arps and all the parameters listed below:

Parameter with Voice set to ON:
Determines whether or not the following parameter settings of the selected Voice are copied from the Voice to the current Part when you change a Voice for the current Part individually.
• Arpeggio settings
• Filter Cutoff Frequency
• Filter Resonance
• Amplitude EG
• Filter EG
• Pitch Bend Range (Upper/Lower)
• Note Shift

Note: Regardless of the Parameter with Voice setting, the following settings are always copied when a Normal Voice is selected: Mono/Poly, Porta Sw (Portamento Part Switch), Porta Time (Portamento Time) and Porta Mode (Portamento Mode).

How to load a Bank of 128 Voices

If you have different Voice libraries, you may want to load a Bank of 128 Voices into one of the three User Banks and then load a different Bank of 128 voices in another User Bank.
Here is a step by setep of how to do that.

First, to review there are different file types in the Motif XS:

FILE TYPE = ALL (.X0A) loads everything back, as saved
FILE TYPE = ALL VOICE (.X0V) loads all three banks of USER Voices and the USER DRUM bank.
FILE > TYPE = VOICE allows you to load a single Voice from an ALL (.X0A) or from an ALL VOICE (.X0V) file type.

But did you know… With the FILE TYPE = VOICE you can load all 128 Voices from a source bank to a target bank in your internal Motif XS.

Press [FILE]
Select Load TYPE = “VOICE”
Move the cursor up by pressing the [<] LEFT cursor arrow to the DIR area and then using either the [INC/YES] or the DATA WHEEL highlight the file you want to load.
(shown below): The ALL data file “B’sKnees.X0A” is selected in the Directory


Press [ENTER] to open that File and see a list of the Voices in it. Initially you will see a list of Voices in [USER 1] and the [USER 1] L.E.D. will be lit.
Use the front panel buttons [USER 1], [USER 2], [USER 3] or [USER DR] to select the list of 128 contained in the file.

In the example below, taken from DCP Library B’sKnees – the principal organ Voices are in USER 3… by pressing [USER 3] you can view a list of the Voices in the file.


Move down to the bottom of the screen by pressing the [>] RIGHT cursor arrow; then using the DATA WHEEL set the target bank location…

If loading a single Voice you target a single USR 1, USR 2, USR 3 or UDR location, 001~128; however if you want to load the entire 128 organ Voices from [USER 3] list of the B’sKnees library, highlight the number location and use the DATA WHEEL (clockwise) until you pass 128 and select “all”. Shown below:


This will take all 128 Voices in the File you selected and point them to the 128 locations of the internal USER Bank or 32 User Drum locations you have selected.

Rinse and repeat for the other banks as you desire…. If the Library contains RAM samples, the Motif XS will automatically take care of renumbering the Waveforms so that the Voices play properly.

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