The YC Organ Waves

The five organ Waves are:

Sets a distinctive American tonewheel organ sound from the 1960s, characterized by sine-like waveforms that are simple yet warm.  This sound was used in many genres of music, such as rock, pop, and jazz.

Sets the sound of a 60s British transistor organ with a bright and hollow sound. The harmonic content is very close to that of a square wave,  it is notable for highly present tones. This type of organ was often used in psychedelic rock and ska.  For classic sounds, use with the ROTARY CONTROL OFF and add VIBRATO/CHORUS to taste.

Sets the notable sound of a 60s Italian transistor organ with a thick sound and characteristic  sawtooth component boosted in volume. It was put to use in 60s pop music and the alternative pop of the 90s. For the signature sounds, use with the ROTARY CONTROL OFF and add VIBRATO/CHORUS.

Sets the sound of a Japanese transistor organ made in Japan during the 1970s. This organ was known for a bright sound similar to that produced by the sawtooth waveforms of a synthesizer.

Sets the sound of a Yamaha YC-45 transistor organ that was released in 1972. With harmonic content very close to that of a square wave, it was characterized by highly present tones in the high range and extreme sound crushing when distortion was increased.

Below are examples of each WAVE used with a traditional church music excerpt to emulate a pipe organ.  ROTARY SPEED is set to “OFF”.  All footages are “all the way out”, No CHORUS/VIBRATO, No PERCUSSION, No DISTORTION, REVERB is set to about 60%.  Notice the drastic differences in timbre between all five different WAVE selections.

Vibrato and Chorus

This section of the Reface YC can apply a variety of undulating effects to the sound. This feature is often utilized to create subtle to prominent wavering and wobbling effects.  It could also be used to create a sound with a vibrating motion effect for electric organs that did not have a rotary speaker device.

For switching between vibrato and chorus to apply different types of undulating effects. Simply press down the side corresponding to the effect you wish to use.

The Difference Between Vibrato and Chorus…it’s subtle.

VIBRATO is an effect in which the pitch is raised and lowered. In an American tonewheel organ the traditional parameter setting options were either V1, V2, or V3.

In an American tonewheel organ, the “CHORUS” effect is created by mixing the “VIBRATO” (pitch shifted) signal with the straight (non-pitch shifted) or “dry” signal. The amount of Vibrato signal included in this combination is known as the CHORUS depth. The traditional parameter setting options were either C1, C2, or C3.

The Reface YC actually gives you 4 Depth settings when either CHORUS or VIBRATO is selected, controlled by using the VIBRATO/CHORUS [DEPTH] slider. Moving this slider all the way down turns off the effect.

Below are two recording of a brief musical example.  ROTARY SPEED is set to OFF.  The WAVE selection is set to H, Footage settings are full out for 8′ and 4′ PERCUSSION is set ON is set to type B and LENGTH is set to the third notch, and also a little REVERB is added.  Notice how the percussion is accentuated by theVIBRATO effect too.  It has more effect on it, the longer you set the LENGTH.
The first recording is without VIBRATO, the second one with VIBRATO, set to the third notch.

Below are two recording of a brief musical example.  ROTARY SPEED is set to OFF.  The WAVE selection is set to F, Footage settings are set about half way for all drawbars, PERCUSSION is set to OFF, and a little REVERB is added.
The first recording is without CHORUS, the second one with CHORUS, set to the third notch.

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