This guide will take you through setting up your computer for MIDI communication with the S90 XS/S70 XS. This will facilitate MIDI recording and use of the Editor VST. (The Editor can be used with or without Cubase). It can be run as a standalone application. Or, as is outlined in this article, Cubase can encompass the Editor as a VSTi – which runs inside the DAW’s environment. The advantage in addition to all the signal routing and processing functions is that you do not have to bother save a separate file for your synthesizer, because when you save your Cubase Project it will automatically save all the settings for your S90 XS/S70 XS and keep them bundled together in the Cubase Project (.CPR) file. This means when you reopen the Project you can have the Editor’s total recall feature restore all the settings to your synthesizer just as they were when you completed work.

A word about AUDIO
The USB-MIDI connection is MIDI only. It does not allow you to route audio from the synthesizer into the computer. In order to transfer audio data in real time (i.e., record AUDIO TRACKS) you will need a separate audio interface.

The S90 XS/S70 XS offers you several ways to record audio data. Audio data, of course, is used to create .wav files that are used for audio CDs. Audio data can be turned into MP3 files that, due to their reduced size, are convenient for posting on websites or emailing to friends.

The subject of creating AUDIO data will be in a separate article.

Install, Activate and Register your copy of “Cubase AI” on your computer
Download and install the following software from the Official Yamaha Download site:

Download and install the latest “S90 XS/S70 XS Remote Tools”
Download and install the latest “S90 XS/S70 XS Editor Standalone/VST”
Download and install the “Yamaha USB-MIDI driver” for your particular computer type and operating system.

The editor requires multiple ports to connect with the S90 XS/S70 XS, therefore you MUST use USB-MIDI to utilize editors.

Connect via USB
• Connect the XS to your computer via USB.
Set the XS to MIDI IN/OUT = USB
• Press [UTILITY]
• Select “MIDI”
• Press [ENTER]
• Cursor down to MIDI IN/OUT
• Press [STORE] to write this to your Flash ROM

Launch Cubase AI
• Under the “MIDI” folder highlight “MIDI PORT SETUP”
• You should see your Yamaha S90 XS/S70 XS PORTS.

The example below uses an S70 XS
• Select only “Yamaha S70 XS Port1” as the “In ‘All MIDI Inputs'”


You do not have to worry about the “State” (Active/Inactive) as this is only a current status report. You do not want to have Port 2 marked in the IN ALL INPUTS column as this is reserved for REMOTE CONTROL functions. If you have another controller keyboard plugged into the MIDI IN jack of the XS, you could possibly activate Port 3 (this is the so-called “THRU PORT”). The “In ‘ALL INPUT'” function is for your keyboard or MIDI controllers only. This is the data that will be recorded to a Cubase MIDI Track.

• Under the “Remote Devices” folder highlight “Yamaha S90 XS/S70 XS”

If it does not appear click on the big “+” symbol in the upper left and ADD the “Yamaha S90 XS/S70 XS” device.

• Set it to Port 2 (YAMAHA S70 XS Port2) for both MIDI INPUT and MIDI OUTPUT


If you are using an audio interface connect that now under the “VST Audio System”. Use the driver that is appropriate for your interface. If you are only recording MIDI you do not need an audio interface (in which case you can skip this step).

• Click APPLY
• Click OK

• On the Cubase Toolbar click on DEVICES
• Select VST INSTRUMENT from the drop down menu
• In the “instrument rack”, click in an empty space and select EXTERNAL > S90XS/S70XS VST
This will launch the Editor VST application within Cubase.

• Go to FILE > SETUP on the Editor toolbar.

Here you want to setup the communication between the XS and the Editor.

• Select USB as the DATA PORT
• Set the DETAIL = ON (shown below)
Make settings for Port 1 and Port 4. 

USB PortSetup

Next you make a decision about the direction of communication. There are two things to consider:
1) When you open a New Project in Cubase, how do you want the Editor to behave?
2) When you open a previously saved Project, how do you want the Editor to behave?

Typically, when you create a New Project you will want the Editor to clear a new MULTI for you. Therefore you will want to have data sent FROM the Editor TO the XS. When you are restoring a previously saved Cubase Project you will want the Editor to send your saved data back to the XS. Therefore you will want to have data sent FROM the Editor TO the XS.


As you can see I have the “Auto Sync Setting” set so both GLOBAL and CURRENT are going from PC > XS
This is so that the Total Recall function will send the UTILITY settings and the current MULTI from the computer to the XS when I open a Cubase Project. Restoring my MULTI to my XS. It will send an initialized MULTI setup to the XS when I create a New Project. Cool!

I have the VOICE option set to OFF, as I don’t often need to reload all the User Voices (but you can set this as your prefer). If set to ON, then the Editor can restore all your USER1, USER2, USER3 and USER Drum Kit Voices to your XS each time. It is your choice. If you have used a unique Library of sounds, they too can be recalled when you open the Cubase Project. These settings are important and should be considered on a per Project basis.

“Auto Start” is ON. You may opt at some point to turn this OFF. Until you are used to how the EDITOR works you may wish to leave AUTO START set OFF. When ON, synchronization takes places automatically.

Set the “GENERAL SETTING” area as you prefer. The “Keyboard Velocity” function when set to “FREE” will change how loud the note plays by where on the keyboard icon KEY you click. This is pretty cool…

• Click OK

Clicking this radio button switches the status of the Editor between “ONLINE” and “OFFLINE.” When “ONLINE” is indicated, the edited status is completely synchronized between the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor and the S90XS/S70 XS instrument, meaning that any parameter edit you make on the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor is reflected in the same parameter on the S90 XS/S70 XS instrument and vice versa. When OFFLINE is selected, editing on the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor will not affect the S90 XS/S70 XS instrument and vice versa even if the S90 XS/S70 XS instrument is connected to a computer.

Note that the indication here is automatically changed according to the status of communication between the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor and the S90 XS/S70 XS instrument. For example, the ONLINE status changes automatically to OFFLINE when the cable is disconnected accidentally.


On the main XS Editor screen you want to make sure that the Editor is ONLINE.

A bright dot appears next to ONLINE when you are communicating. In the left upper corner you will see the Modes: VOICE and MULTI followed by the “ONLINE” button.
Communication is bi-directional and simultaneous so selecting the mode here will change your hardware and vice-versa.

The OFFLINE w/bright dot indicator is important because you will at some point need to make changes on the hardware and not have the software follow you. This can occur when you are searching for a VOICE or PERFORMANCE in the XS – the Editor will attempt to synchronize each time you select something. Therefore it is useful to click this option (go OFFLINE) when you want to temporarily break communication. You can click ON and OFFLINE, as necessary.

If you change modes and go to PERFORMANCE mode on the XS hardware front panel, the XS Editor will go temporarily *OFFLINE w/bright dot. You can bring it back ONLINE when you return to MULTI mode by simply clicking the word “OFFLINE” – the AUTO SYNC window will open and re-establish communication.

On the Toolbar of the XS Editor you will see the BULK option. This is what you use to request a bulk to (Transmit) or from (Receive) the XS. You can select the Current MULTI, and any of the USER Banks or ALL of the USER Banks.

Do not change your preference in the FILE > SETUP > AUTO SYNC SETTING – when you need to send or receive data from the XS use this BULK option.


Set the attributes that you wish to send or receive, then click “START”.


Using the 192MB of Internal Flash ROM

ROM (Read Only Memory) is memory designed specifically for reading out data, and as such data cannot be written to it. Unlike conventional ROM, Flash ROM can be overwritten—allowing you to store your own original data. The contents of Flash ROM are maintained even when the power is turned off.
The internal flash memory can be used as destination of the files handled in the File mode and audio data created in the Audio Record/Play mode. This memory also can be used as the destination of data backups because the data saved here is maintained even when turning the power off. The capacity of the internal flash memory is 192MB.

This article will cover how you can make use of this memory. You can think of this Flash ROM as a permanent USB drive connected to your S90XS/S70XS. You can store any type of files to it, including .wav files or .mid files or backup ALL data or VOICE data files for your synthesizer.

While you can use it as the destination for the real time audio record function, this may not be the most economical way to use it. Recording a stereo audio file (.wav) at 44.1kHz resolution, the 192MB will give you just over 18 minutes of record time. *Based on it takes approximately 10MB per stereo minute to record at 44.1kHz. You can see that while this can allow you to record a few songs, this same amount to memory could be literally hundreds and hundreds of MIDI files. *Based on the math that the average (very) complex MIDI file is around 100KB, you could fit 1,920 of them within the 192MB of memory.

Suffice it to say that how you use this memory is entirely up to you. It is FLASH ROM and one key feature of this type of memory is that it is re-writeable. This means that you can move data into and back out of it as necessary. You can use it to initially record yourself playing and then COPY or MOVE the data to a USB drive or to your computer for long terms storage.

The purpose of this article is to give you a basic understanding of how to get data into it, and how to use it. To start, the best way to think about it is: it is like having a permanently attached storage device. The smart gigging musician would keep a backup of important gig material here, in case you happen to lose your USB thumb drive (which never happens)…

Audio Record/Play Mode
In the Audio Record/Play mode, your keyboard performance can be recorded and will be saved as an audio file to the root directory of the external USB storage device or the internal flash memory and you can play back the audio file on the specified storage device.

Step-by-step details of how to record a performance to the S90XS/S70XS as audio is found on page 131 of the Reference Manual. One of the key points made is that you can record continuously for 74 minutes to an external drive and for approximately 18 minutes if you target the internal memory (192MB). The rule of thumb for stereo audio (.wav) @ 16-bit/44.1kHz, CD-quality, is approximately 10MB per stereo minute. Therefore the amount of record time available will always be a function of the device to which you are recording.

Certainly, if you have no USB stick or hard drive available, recording 18 minutes to the internal memory is always an option. This is certainly long enough for most musical compositions. You can transfer that recording as a .wav file to an external storage device later. You can even move it to your favorite DAW software (like Cubase AI) to continue working on your idea. You can simply drag and drop the wav file into a Cubase Project.

Another important thing to realize is that the AUDIO RECORD/PLAY mode feature can be used to record the XS as it responds to a MIDI file – eliminating the need for an audio interface. Say you have created a multi-track MIDI recording in Cubase AI (or your favorite DAW software), as you play it back to the XS you can record this all to internal memory as a .wav file. In fact, you can plug in a microphone, and use the XS effect processing to process the mic signal, and record that simultaneously, as well.

While this AUDIO RECORD/PLAY function is real time record – meaning you cannot overdub – that is not a problem since if you mess up on the live signal, you can simply redo it, until you are happy with your vocal. And, of course, you can play and sing simultaneously, if that is your preference. This is the quickest and easiest way to create your music – with or without a computer.

 Select REC > press [ENTER]
 Select the REC STORAGE device: ‘internal’ or ‘USB’
 Set the TRIGGER LEVEL: ‘manual’ or a number value, 1-127

The number value can be used if there is no ‘open’ microphone… recording begins when the level exceeds the threshold set by this parameter. For example, if you have a microphone attached you may want to set this so that ambient noise does not start the recording. If you are transferring data by playing or playing back a sequence, you can safely set this Trigger Level to “1” – recording will begin when incoming signal exceeds this value.

 Press [ENTER]

The unit will go from “STANDBY” to “WAITING…”
If you opt for MANUAL as the Trigger Level, then recording will begin when you press [ENTER].
The RECORDABLE TIME parameter will count down how much time remains on your storage device.

 Press [ENTER] again to stop recording.

Always wait until all sound stops (including reverberations). You will be asked if you wish SAVE AUDIO REC FILE?
If yes, press [ENTER] again.

The file will be given a default numerical name starting with: 000.wav

You can opt to RENAME this later. To playback the recording, simply press [ENTER]. Use the DATA WHEEL to adjust the playback volume of the file. Later you can make this recording part of a SEQ PLAY CHAIN – even call up a Multi with sounds that you would like to play along with this .wav file. This is an ideal way to create “backing tracks” for your live set.

 Press [JOB]

Here you can opt to DELETE it if it is not to your liking or you can RENAME the file so you can easily find it later.



From the Sequence Play display, you can set the order of the MIDI/audio files to be played, the particular ‘Multi’ to be used for each MIDI file, and the ‘stop’ location of the chain program by assigning each of them to each Chain Step. The program set here is executed in the order of the Chain Step number. A maximum number of 100 Chain Steps can be programmed; after reaching 100, playback returns to 001.

Selecting a Multi to play the MIDI/AUDIO file
Select the Chain Step number with the Cursor [UP]/[DOWN] buttons, then select a Multi using the Data Dial or the [DEC]/[INC] buttons.

You can select a MULTI containing 16 PARTS, which can be used to playback the .MID File. If you are going to access an audio .wav file, the MULTI can be a set of Voices you can use to play along with the file. This use if very powerful because you can recall as many as 16 Voices that you can use to play along with the .wav file – and in Multi mode it is quite easy to seamlessly switch between sounds using the PART SELECT buttons [1]-[16]. Simply “Plan Ahead”!

Selecting a MIDI/audio file
Select a Chain Step number and press the [ENTER] button to call up the File Load display. You can select a MIDI/audio file stored to internal flash memory or the external USB storage device. After selecting the file, press the [EXIT] button to return to the Sequence Play display.

If you opt to select an external drive/drives (USB) each connected drive will have a number, USB-1, USB-2, etc. You can opt to direct the Chain to look to internal memory. In either case the file must be present for the CHAIN to play properly, if the file is not found an exclamation point will be displayed “!” indicating the file is not found.

Assigning the parameters to each Chain Step
The following parameters can be assigned to the Chain Steps:

• skip: Skips this Chain Step and the Chain program will jump to the next Chain Step.
• end: Stops then returns to Chain Step number 001.
• stop: Stops (pauses) the Chain program.

These parameters can be selected with the Data Dial or [DEC]/[INC] buttons.

Saving the SEQ to Internal Memory:
Once you create your MULTI and [STORE] it, and you create your SEQ PLAY Chain, press [STORE]. You can SAVE everything either to an external drive and/or to internal memory.

 Press [FILE]
 Select “SAVE”
 Highlight “INTERNAL”
 Press the Right Cursor [>]
 Highlight “NEW FILE” and press [ENTER]
 Select FILE TYPE = “ALL” or if you’d like to just save the CHAIN itself, select “SEQ CHAIN”

Give the file a name (for details on how to name something check the Owner’s Manual… in general you use the DATA WHEEL and/or the CURSOR ARROWS to select characters, and you use the [INC] button to advance to the next space).

 Press [ENTER] to execute

If you SAVE as FILE = “ALL” this will SAVE all data including the Sequencer Chain, the 4 NORMAL USER Banks, the DRUM USER bank, all the MULTI setups etc.

If you SAVE as FILE = “SEQ CHAIN” this will SAVE the specific current SEQ CHAIN list of commands. It saves just the list (not the individual files themselves – it just saves the list that “points” to the files).

SUMMARY: One word of warning however, the data must be present for the Seq Chain to play properly. In other words, if you have the Seq Chain pointing to 15 .MID files it would make sense to also keep those .MID files in internal FLASH ROM (as the internal memory is always there)

If your .MID files are on a USB drive, even if you store and save the SEQ CHAIN, the USB drive will need to be present.

Copying the SEQ to Internal Memory
You can COPY your .MID files from your USB stick into FLASH ROM as follows:

 Press [MUTLI/SEQ PLAY] to view the SEQ PLAY chain list
 Press [ENTER]

The FILE LOAD screen will appear…
 Select your USB drive as if you were going to load a file
 Press the RIGHT CURSOR [>] to view the content
 Highlight the .MID that you wish to COPY but instead of pressing ENTER, press [JOB]
 Select “COPY”
 Copy to — “INTERNAL”

Your .MID file will be copied to your internal Flash ROM memory.

By copying your .MID files to internal memory – even if you misplace your USB drive you will be able to access your data.

If at anytime you view your SEQ CHAIN list and you see an exclamation mark (!), this denotes that your data is not present. This can happen, as mentioned when your SEQ CHAIN list is pointing to an external drive that is not present. The CHAIN is just a list, it is not the sequences themselves – they exist in either the internal memory or on your USB stick. The Chain commands the instrument to look at the internal memory or to the external USB drive to actually read the data. The sequencer in the S-series XS is a real time read sequencer. It reads some data, begins playback, as it completes play of that portion it dumps it and reads some more. It is what is called a bucket brigade type situation. It fills the bucket constantly and purges data once it has played. You do not actually “load” the data to a sequencer. It reads the data as it plays.

Question: Can you playback a .MID file from a USB stick at the same time as you record it as a .WAV file to the same USB stick?
Answer: Actually, yes, you can.

_ Create a MULTI that will serve as the Voices to playback the MIDI file; name and store it to a MULTI location.
_ Place the .MID file on the USB stick and plug it into the TO DEVICE port on the back panel of the XS.
_ Use the SEQ PLAY chain to automate playback of the .MID file.
_ Press [MULTI/SEQ PLAY] to select the SEQ PLAY function.

If there is already a chain there (save it if you need to) – initialize the list: Press [JOB] > select INITIALIZE > press [ENTER]

 Press [EXIT] to return to the now blank list
 Cursor to Step 001

_ Use the Data Dial to dial up your MULTI by number

 Cursor down to Step 002
 Press [ENTER] > navigate to your USB drive using the right cursor arrow [>]

_ Scroll down and highlight your .MID file > press [ENTER] to add it as Chain Step No. 002 > Press [ENTER] twice to confirm.

 Cursor down to Step 003

_ Use the Data Dial to dial up “STOP” Test out your chain by moving the cursor back to the top of the list and press [START/STOP]

_ The Chain should recall your MULTI, then play your file. If all is well, move to the next step.

 Move the cursor back to Step 001

Now let’s arm the RECORD function.
 Highlight “REC”
 Press [ENTER]

Target either INTERNAL memory if you wish to record it to the XS flash ROM, or target your USB drive… the record time available will be displayed. Set TRIGGER LEVEL = 1 (when sound exceeds this value recording will begin automatically)

 Press [ENTER] STANDBY status will change to “WAITING…”
 Press [START/STOP] to begin playback of the SEQ PLAY Chain… recording will begin automatically.
 When complete press [ENTER] to end recording.
 The file will be automatically named 000.wav and you can press [ENTER] to playback.

Later you can add it to a Seq Play chain like any other .MID or .WAV file.

You can COPY Files into the FLASH ROM as follows:

 Press [MULTI/SEQ PLAY] button to view the SEQ PLAY chain screen
 Highlight a location (there are 100).
 Press [ENTER] as if you were going to ADD A FILE to a Seq_Play position for real time play
 You will be shown a list of connected drive devices: INTERNAL and whatever you have connected to the unit via USB. Notice the USB drive is numbered (means you can use a HUB of drives)
 Select the drive device containing the file you wish to copy to internal ROM and press the [>] cursor arrow to see a list of files/folders on this device

 Highlight the file you want to COPY but instead of pressing [ENTER]…
 Press [JOB]
 Now you will see options to DELETE, RENAME, create a NEW DIRECTORY, COPY or FORMAT…
 Select “COPY”
 Press [ENTER]
 Direct the COPY to the INTERNAL (Flash ROM)
 Press [ENTER] to execute.

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