Tweak of the Week: Strings Motif XS/XF

Pre 4:001(A01) Violin Solo 1

Let’s take a close look at a single Voice to learn some things about how to approach playing it and getting the most expression out of the assigned controllers. Although the Voice is a solo violin it has 8 oscillators each tasked with a specific role in recreating the instrument.
This Voice is made up of 8 Elements.

  • Press [EDIT]
  • Buttons [1]-[8] are Element Select buttons
  • Buttons [9]-[16] MUTE and UNMUTE Elements 1-8, respectively
  • Press [1] to view Element 1 parameters

You can view the Elements one at a time you can toggle the view to see 4 Elements in columns

  • Press [SF5] 4 ELM

In order to see Elements 5-8, select any Element [5]-[8] by pressing the Element Select button.

Element 1 is a stereo violin sample, that will play only when both the [AF1] and [AF2] buttons are OFF. Note range is G2 and above (it’s a violin!)
Element 2 is a stereo combination used to fill the notes below the range of the violin (a real violin has no notes below G2 to sample)
Element 3 is a stereo violin sample, that will play only when the [AF1] button is ON
Element 4 is a stereo violin sample, that will play only when the [AF1] button is ON
Element 5 is stereo combination used to fill the notes below the range of the violin, that will play only when the [AF1] button is ON
Element 6 is stereo combination used to fill the notes below the range of the violin, that will play only when the [AF1] button is ON
Element 7 is Non-Vibrato violin across the keyboard, that will play only when the [AF2] button is ON
Element 8 solo spiccato (attack) violin sample, that plays at all times but has a specific velocity response that requires a very rapid note-on (more on this later)

What this means:
_ When you first call up the Voice you are set to play Elements 1, 2 and 8. You will hear only Element 1 if you play normally within the range of a real violin.
_ When you press [AF1], Elements 3, 4 and 8 will sound within the range of the real violin.
_ When you press [AF2], Elements 7 and 8 will sound within the range of the real violin.
_ Elements 5 and 6 and 8 are “combination” Waveforms which means they contain data combined from the entire family of bowed strings… Violin at the top, Viola in the upper mid, Cello in the lower mid, and bowed Bass in the low end… filling out the entire range with a SPICCATO bow stroke.

With the Violin Solo 1 Voice called up;

Press [EDIT]
Press [MUTE]
Turn off all Elements but Element 1 and 8. You do so by Muting Elements 2-7, that is: Press buttons [10], [11], [12], [13], [14] and [15] to turn their LEDs OFF.

This isolates the actual Violin range and the two Elements that give this Voice its heart and soul.

Press [1] to view Element 1
Toggle the [SF5] Four ELEMENT/One ELEMENT view to view the single Elements parameters:

Element 1:

Element 8:

Play and observe its behavior. Use the [SOLO] button to switch between ELEMENT 1 and ELEMENT 8. You will notice how responsive to all velocities the Element 1 is and how Element 8 only responds to very increased velocities/ Element 1 has a long infinite sustain… as long as you hold the key the bow is in motion. Element 8, by contrast, has a very percussive and quick bow stroke. So when you want to ATTACK a phrase with an emphasis, you can use velocity to articulate the bow stroke. Of course, this is programmable. Let’s view the [F4] AMPLITUDE parameters which control how each Element behaves as to its volume.

The AEG or Amplitude Envelope Generator describes how the loudness of the sound behaves from Key On until the Key is released. The signal rises to full volume in the amount of time described by the ATTACK TIME parameter (0 is a short amount of time 127 is a long amount of time… this is set by ear, musicians do not use clocks for this – we often get questions about how come this is not in milliseconds; its because it would not matter, you do it “by ear”). The signal then proceeds to DECAY LEVEL 1 at DECAY TIME 1, and so on… If DECAY LEVEL 2 is anything but a 0, the sound will HOLD as long as the KEY or the SUSTAIN PEDAL hold that key-on event. When released, the RELEASE TIME parameter describes how long before sound completely disappears.

Contrast the AEG of Element 1 (above) and Element 8 (below):

But how is the Spiccato bow stroke (Element 8) prevented from sounding at low velocities, you ask?

  • Press [8] to select ELEMENT 8
  • Press [F4] AMPLITUDE
  • Press [SF1] LEVEL/PAN

Here you can find how Element 8 is set to respond to LEVEL VELOCITY SENSITIVITY

At a Value of +32 for each increase in units of velocity gives a corresponding increase in level output… a basic linear IN/OUT

When you increase the value north of +33, lower velocities cease to trigger any output level… until you reach +63, where only the maximum velocity causes any output. This is useful, as you can hear in creating crossfades between different Elements… and Element can remain “hidden” until the velocity of the performer reaches certain intensities, it is not a hard ‘swap’ but a more gradual fade…

A “Level Velocity Sens” of +50 combined with the “Curve” of +3 are the determining factors of how the Spiccato bow Element is controlled in this Voice. The prominence of the Bow in the upper (violin range) is ensured by the Amplitude Scaling ([SF3] SCALE) – this basically controls how loud an Element is across the range of the MIDI keyboard C-2 through G8:

Now let’s take a peak at the CONTROLLERS:

While in EDIT Controller Assignments are global to the VOICE (meaning they will address, or not, all Elements) so they are found under the [COMMON EDIT] functions.

  • Press [COMMON EDIT]
  • Press [F4] CONTROL SET:

You will notice that vibrato is built-in to the sample Waveforms of the strings on many of the Voices. The VOICE “Violin Solo 1” uses the XA CONTROL (Expanded Articulation Control) function’s [AF2] button to switch from the violin samples with vibrato to ELEMENT 7 – the Violin Waveform without vibrato (Non-Vibrato).

In the CONTROL SET, you can see how the MOD WHEEL is assigned to “E-LFO PMD” (Element Low Frequency Oscillator Pitch Modulation Depth) and “E-LFO FMD” (Element Low Frequency Oscillator Filter Modulation Depth) – basically it is vibrato and filter movement. So you can apply your own vibrato with the Low Frequency Oscillator. The LFO’s name is very descriptive. Humans recognize consistent vibrations between 20 cycles per second and 20,000 cycles per second as musical sound. Outside of that range frequencies are interpreted differently. Above 20,000 cycles dogs can hear, fortunately for us, we cannot. Below 20, the musical tone breaks down into separate, distinct events. And finally, we interpret them as rates rather than music. Vibrato is the change in pitch both up and down a few times per second – so the LFO is used to apply a “rate” of change in the ‘few times a second range’… if you will.

Experiment. Notice the Ribbon Controller is doing COARSE TUNING – another way to apply vibrato, for those of you who want to do it organically. Place your finger in the center and roll it back and forth to apply manual vibrato.

The ASSIGN 1 (KNOB) will increase the SPICCATO Bow Element’s Level if you need more Attack stroke.

The ASSIGN 2 (KNOB) will raise and lower the Cutoff Frequency – this is an OFFSET setting – it is ADDING (Clockwise) or SUBTRACTING (Counterclockwise) values to the 8 individual Element’s Filters: In this Voice they are 12dB per Octave Low Pass Filters. While you can set each Elements LPF individually, when performing the KNOB is assigned to control each Element (each Element is checked with a red mark indicating that it is applied to all 8 Elements).

Just as a quick comparison, call up the next VOICE: Violin Solo 2 AF1 PRE 4:002(A02)

Explore this Voice with what you have learned. Notice how [AF1] here applies the Spiccato Element… try performing violin phrases with the [AF1] button method of applying the bow stroke, versus the velocity method of applying the bow stroke as in the “Violin Solo 1”.

Motif XF: What’s New

The new content of the MOTIF XF compared to the MOTIF XS

1,307 new Waveforms
MOTIF XS: 2,670
MOTIF XF: 3,977 

128 new Normal Voices
8 new Drum Kits
MOTIF XF: USER1 (New), USER2, USER3, USER4, User Drum (1-8: New)

128 new Performances

32 new Masters, based on the new Voices and Performances
MOTIF XS: 1-128
MOTIF XF: 1-32 (New), 33-128

1,248 new Arpeggio Types
MOTIF XS: 6,633
MOTIF XF: 7,881

The new Voices and Performances
The User Voice Bank 1 contains 128 new Voices, based on the new Waveforms and Arpeggios of the MOTIF XF. The Bank is arranged by sound categories. Both instrument and synth Voices can be found there.

To ensure full compatibility with the previous model MOTIF XS, the Preset voice banks 1-8 remain unchanged. Bank 1 is therefore the new Factory Bank of the MOTIF XF and should not be overwritten, since the new Performances (USER 1) are based mainly on the Voices of this Bank.

For your own Voices or optional Voice Libraries the User Voice Banks 2, 3, and 4 are available, these only contain copies of Preset Voices. In addition to the Normal Voices the MOTIF XF features eight new Drum Kits (USR 001-008), which are also based on the new Waveforms.

The 128 new Performances (USER 1) provide a significant increase in quality compared to the MOTIF XS, since they are based on the new Voices and Arpeggios.

A special highlight is the numerous synth Performances that feature a new programming technique. Here the Sub Function buttons (SF1 – SF5) not only change the Arpeggios for the Parts 1-4, but also change the sound. This is done by control events contained in the Arpeggios, which are toggling the Assignable Functions (AF1 & 2). Switching through SF1 – SF5 therefore activates other Elements in the Voices. This results in some spectacular and impressive sound changes.

The following Performances use this technique:

  • Performance 005 Indian Xperience
  • Performance 009 Lighthouse
  • Performance 013 Inner Wind
  • Performance 023 Electric Mystery
  • Performance 025 Cool Madness
  • Performance 034 Sweet Peaches
  • Performance 050 Distorted Dreamz
  • Performance 057 Drummers of Tokyo
  • Performance 064 Cloudy Bay
  • Performance 080 Eighties Dreams
  • Performance 081 Just Relax
  • Performance 093 Synthlines

Motif-series Comparative Analysis

Wave ROM
Motif (classic): 84MB
Motif ES: 175MB
Motif XS: 355MB
Motif XF: 741MB

Motif (classic): 1,309
Motif ES: 1,859
Motif XS: 2,670
Motif XF: 3,977

Motif (classic): 64 notes
Motif ES: 128 notes
Motif XS: 128 notes
Motif XF: 128 notes

Preset Voices (banks)
Motif (classic): 384 (3)
Motif ES: 768 (6)
Motif XS: 1024 (8)
Motif XF: 1024 (8)

Preset Drum Kits
Motif (classic): 48
Motif ES: 64
Motif XS: 64
Motif XF: 64

User Voices (banks)
Motif (classic): 128 (1)
Motif ES: 256 (2)
Motif XS: 384 (3)
Motif XF: 512 (4)

User Drum Kits
Motif (classic): 16
Motif ES: 32
Motif XS: 32
Motif XF: 32

GM Normal + Drum
Motif (classic): 128 + 1
Motif ES: 128 + 1
Motif XS: 128 + 1
Motif XF: 128 + 1

Motif (classic): 128
Motif ES: 128
Motif XS: 384
Motif XF: 512

Elements per VOICE
Motif (classic): 4
Motif ES: 4
Motif XS: 8* XA Control (Expanded Articulation)
Motif XF: 8* XA Control (Expanded Articulation)

Preset Arpeggios
Motif (classic): 256
Motif ES: 1,787
Motif XS: 6,633* Four simultaneous arpeggiators
Motif XF: 7,781* Four simultaneous arpeggiators

User Arpeggios
Motif (classic): 128
Motif ES: 256
Motif XS: 256
Motif XF: 256

Master Control Zones
Motif (classic): 4
Motif ES: 4
Motif XS: 8
Motif XF: 8*

*new [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] function allows buttons [1]-[8] to activate/deactivate Internal Zones 1-8; while buttons [9]-[16] activate/deactivate External Zones 1-8

Motif (classic): 240×64 dot graphic
Motif ES: 240×64 dot graphic
Motif XS: 320×240 dot color
Motif XF: 320×240 dot color

On-board SampleRAM
Motif (classic): 4MB
Motif ES: none
Motif XS: none
Motif XF: 128MB

Sample Expansion
Motif (classic): maximum 64MB via SIMMs
Motif ES: maximum 512MB via DIMMs
Motif XS: maximum 1GB via DIMMs
Motif XF: maximum 2GB non-volatile Flash boards

Simultaneous Insertion FX Parts
Motif (classic): 1
Motif ES: 8
Motif XS: 8* VCM – Virtual Circuitry Modeling effects
Motif XF: 8* VCM – Virtual Circuitry Modeling effects

New functions of the MOTIF XF
Wireless Network MIDI function
The MOTIF XF offers wireless MIDI connectivity with Yamaha’s new iPad applications*.
After connecting a compatible Wireless USB LAN Adapter, you can send and receive MIDI messages between the XF and the iPad.

*There are 4 new Yamaha iPad applications which expand the features of MOTIF XF including Keyboard Arp & Drum Pad, Faders & XY Pad, Multi Editor Essential and Voice Editor Essential (as of April, 2011).

Wireless Network Audio Recording/Playback function
The Motif XF offers wireless audio recording with the addition of a WiFi USB-LAN adaptor device to an iPAD or iPHONE with WiFi capability and the “Cloud Audio Recorder for XF” app. Not only does the app allow realtime wireless audio recording/playback but allows you to upload your XF compositions to SoundCloud. When the iPad or iPhone is networked with the XF you can playback your music, wirelessly, through the Motif XF. When not networked with the XF, the files play via the sound engine of the iPad/iPhone – so you can take your music with you everywhere. Let your friends here what you are working on.

Wireless Network File Sharing function
The MOTIF XF can now be connected to a network without an Ethernet cable. You can save/load the files and record/playback audio between the instrument and a computer drive connected to the same network. The Motif XF also can connect to the INTERNET via a special Yamaha server

Support for Steinberg CMC series Controllers
The Motif XF can be connected to the Steinberg CMC-PD (Pads) or CMC-FD (Faders), letting you record rhythm patterns to the Motif XF by playing the CMC-PD or edit the Mixing parameters from the CMC-FD.

Category Search
The Category Search window has been optimized. The lists “Main”, “Sub” and “Voice List” can now be toggled with the Sub Function buttons SF1, SF2, and SF3. Expanded SEARCH for Waveforms and Arpeggios (arp Search shown below) – with option to set FAVORITES.

Tap Tempo
Manual synchronization of the tempo is possible. The speed with which the TAP button [F6] TAP is repeatedly pressed determines the tempo. The result of this manual tempo input can be read in the top right corner of the display. The TAP-function is available on the main display screen of each mode: VOICE, PERFORMANCE, SONG, PATTERN and MASTER.

Effect On/Off
The EFFECT BYPASS switches of the MOTIF XS were replaced by EFFECT ON/OFF switches on the MOTIF XF, which function in reverse. If the LEDs light up red, the effects are on. By this all EFFECT switches work in the same way, for the MASTER EFFECT switch already worked like this on the XS.

Assign 1 + Assign 2 Value
The knobs Assign 1 and Assign 2 can now be set separately for each Performance or Mixing Part as a parameter ([F1] Voice > [SF2] Output). At the MOTIF XS, these parameters were only globally available for all Parts in COMMON EDIT.

Special Factory set for the new MOTIF XF sounds
As on the MOTIF XS all user data are reset to the factory settings using the job [UTILITY] > [JOB] > Factory Set. On the MOTIF XF there is a new, additional variant of the Factory Set. If “ALL” is not checked only the following data is reset:

  • The Voices of the User Voice Bank 1
  • The Voices A01~ A08 of the User Drum Bank (UDR)

These are the Voice Banks, which include the new MOTIF XF content. This partial reset may be useful for example if you want to play the new Performances of the USER1 Bank, because they are based primarily on the User Voice Bank 1.

Fixed SD/BD for Drum-Arpeggios
This parameter is available only for Drum Voices and can be found in the EDIT mode ([F3] > ARP OTHER). If this parameter is turned on, “D1” is used as the note for the snare drum and “C1” as the note for the bass drum in the Arpeggio playback, even if another assignment is programmed in the Drum Arpeggio. So if you want to play multiple Drum Arpeggios with a certain Drum Kit, this parameter ensures that the same basic sounds for kick and snare are used.

Arp Play only
The parameter “ARP Play Only” is available only in Performance and Mixing Parts ([F1] VOICE > [SF1] VOICE – top right of the display). If the parameter is set to ON, the relevant Part only plays back the MIDI note events from the Arpeggio playback. This is especially useful for Drum Arpeggios in Performances. If the Arpeggiator is off, usually single drum sounds are played when you play on the keyboard. Which is usually not desirable when you want to play the instrument Parts without Arpeggiator. If “ARP Play Only” is set to ON in the drum Part, it won‘t produce any sound when the Arpeggiator is off.

Drum Voice Edit in the Mixing mode
On the MOTIF XS it was not possible to edit Drum Voices from within the Mixing mode [SF6] Vce Edit(shown below). On the MOTIF XF this is now possible. The edited Drum Kits can be saved as a User Drum Voices.

Integrated Sampling created Voice Conversion
On the Motif XS it was not possible to quickly convert a Sample recorded to the Integrated Sampling Sequencer to a MIX VOICE. You had to exit the SONG or PATTERN and construct the VOICE manually, then insert it into your MIXING setup. The Motif XF incorporates a new “VCE CONV” (Voice Convert) function to the MIXING screen that allows you to build a MIX VOICE directly from the XF Mixer without having to exit the SONG or PATTERN you are working on. This means it is now quick and easy to apply Insertion Effects, assign controllers, apply LFO, Pitch/Filter/Amplitude EGs, EQ, etc., etc. You can bring the full power of a normal Motif XF Voice to your sample track, immediately.

LOAD Multiple Wav/AIFF
New option in [FILE] area, allows you to load multiple WAV or AIFF files from a single folder to the keys chromatically starting on a specific KEY. They will be loaded to different KEYBANKS of the same WAVEFORM

New Release Adjustment parameter(AEG Time Key Follow Sensitivity Release Adjustment)
Determines the sensitivity of the EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity to EG Release. Setting this parameter to “+63” will set the EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity to the value of Decay 1 or Decay 2. The lower the value, the lower the sensitivity. Setting this parameter to “-64” will produce no effect in the EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity.

New function of the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button in the Master mode
When the Mode is set to “Song” or “Pattern” and Zone Switch is set to “on” in the Master Play mode, the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button works as follows:
• [1] – [8] buttons
Each of these will turn the Internal Switches of Zone 1 – 8 on/off.
• [9] – [16] buttons
Each of these will turn the External Switches of Zone 1 – 8 on/off.
NOTE: The on/off status of the Internal Switch/External Switch can be confirmed via the corresponding lamp.

The MOTIF XF Reference Manual (in PDF format) is equipped with special features that are exclusive to electronic files, such as the Link function and the Search function which lets you jump to the desired page by clicking the page number of the specific term.

Screen layout customization and Color Scheme preference

New Functions in MOTIF XF Version 1.50
Yamaha has upgraded the MOTIF XF firmware to Version 1.50, adding a new function.
Additional New Effect Types

The MOTIF XF offers following new effect types:

The following new Reverb types are now available.

HD HALL Reverb emulating the acoustics of a concert hall with high-density sound.
HD ROOM Reverb emulating the acoustics of a room with high-density sound.
HD PLATE Reverb emulating the acoustics of a metal plate reverb unit with high-density sound.

The following new Insertion guitar effect types (in the Guitar Efx category) are now available. The basic parameters are common
with the existing Distortion effect types, but these new effect types reproduce more realistic and characteristic amplifier sounds.

US COMBO A simulation of an American combo amp.
JAZZ COMBO A simulation of a famous combo amp.
US HIGH GAIN A simulation of a famous American high gain amp.
BRITISH LEAD A simulation of a famous British stack amp.
MULTI FX A simulation of multiple effect devices for guitar sounds.
SMALL STEREO Stereo distortion effect for guitar sounds.
BRITISH COMBO A simulation of a famous British combo amp.
BRITISH LEGEND A simulation of another famous British legend amp.


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