One of the keys on my CP4 sound a little "hot" compared to the others. It's the "A" above middle "C". I've been able to control it using EQ but I saw a video on You Tube where someone took the key section out of their digital piano and simply cleaned the printed circuit board. Could this be some dust or dirt and simply needs to be cleaned, or should I take it to a music store for repair? Appreciate any suggestions.
The thing about questions like this is ... usually when you are confident enough to open your instrument and do the work yourself, you just do it. If you’re asking the question, then it is to be assumed you don’t know your way around the inside a piece of technology like a CP4 STAGE... and your asking if anybody’s done it and the patient survived (or the opposite: a testimonial about some disaster where they never could put it back together!)
I’m sure you are aware it is not a sanctioned operation for the customer and the documentation probably recommends you take it to an authorized service center (all for very good reason).
It could just be dust (dirty contact) but it could be a broken mechanism.
Recommendation: Take it to an authorized service center... they have worked on gear like this and ‘worst case’ as an authorized center they have the official Service Manual that tells them exactly which screws to take out, and importantly, which ones to leave alone... etc., etc., etc.
If they mess up, you’re covered. (If you mess up, however, you’ll be the one making the ‘disaster video’. )
They will test the unit and determine the exact nature of the problem
They will clean the contacts (as a general thing - so if that’s all it is, great).
If it is a broken part or connection, they are authorized to fix it.
You are risking taking your instrument apart based on the guess-diagnosis that it could possibly be dust.
If it is more than that... you’re going to the authorized service center anyway.
Question is: do you want to go there with a completely assembled instrument or with a number of extra screws you have left over after trying to reassemble it yourself?
I am (gently) recommending Authorized Service!
Alternative... depending on where in the world you are, call your regional Yamaha office. See if you can speak with the Service department... if you get through to right technician, they can possibly talk you through what you can do yourself before taking to a shop — it is worth a call.
Let us know.
Good advice - I'll go the authorized service route. Thank you.