Is it possible to disable the midi thru? I have a Kurzweil PC3K sending program change messages to a CP44. But I would sometimes also like to play sounds on my Kurzweil using the CP44 keyboard. However connecting Kurz Midi Out to CP44 Midi IN AND Kurz Midi In to CP44 Midi Out causes a midi error on the CP44 when I send a program change to the CP44.
Is it possible to disable the midi thru? I have a Kurzweil PC3K sending program change messages to a CP44. But I would sometimes also like to play sounds on my Kurzweil using the CP44 keyboard. However connecting Kurz Midi Out to CP44 Midi IN AND Kurz Midi In to CP44 Midi Out causes a midi error on the CP44 when I send a program change to the CP44.
? There is no MIDI THRU function to be disabled -
What is the error message you receive in the CP4 Stage or is it the CP 40 Stage, (there is no CP44 from Yamaha)