Just brought home a new CP4 last night. I'll be honest, I've never owned a digital piano. So, I'm new to this arena. My question is, as I was practicing last night on it I tried using the metronome. Yea, I know, you may have never ever even pressed that button. Here's my problem. The sound is annoying. I really mean, the tone generated by it is bad. I don't like the 1st beat being different than the other 3 in 4/4 time I like for it to be all the same tone. Is there anyway to change the actual tone of the metronome? I figured out how to change the beats to 1/8, 1/16, etc. but that first ping is really ugly.
Thanks for any ideas.
If you find the provided metronome that "ugly" and "annoying"... we highly recommend you try a different Metronome. We can recommend the Yamaha Metronome-US iPhone App (runs on iPad in x2 mode). You can program it to do most anything, even change the sounds of the accent, program the volume of each count, count straight or triplets, etc., etc., even the most picky musician will find something to like.
It's an iPhone App available in the US (I cannot be sure about other places in the world).
Yamaha Metronome -US