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Motif ES - Controller Set Assignments to PLG- Board DX and AN parameters

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i understand that only a few of the FM parameters on the DX Plugin board are editable on the Motif ES directly. Is it possible to map those few FM parameters to any of Motif ES controllers, knobs, sliders, mod wheel and FC so I can have real time control over FM while playing live? Similar questions for the AN board. It seems like some of their unique voices parameters may already be mapped to some of my controllers, True / False?

Posted : 17/06/2020 11:13 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I’ve been researching this as best I can... it is really on the edge of memory. The PLG_USR VOICE is a PLG150-Series Voice that has been integrated with the host product’s (Motif ES) Controllers and Effects. Where some of that programming occurred was via the AN Expert Editor (PLG150-AN) and DX Simulator (PLG-150 DX) along with the Motif ES Editor (Voice)

You can, in Voice Mode, access the Control Set via [EDIT] —> [COMMON] —> [F4] CTL SET. Here each PLG150 Plug-in Voice can be integrated with basic Motif ES controllers; two Control Sets. You can also assign MW and Aftertouch. There is an Assignable Control (AC1) for modulating Pitch (vibrato), Filter (wah-wah), or Amplitude (tremolo). See the Motif ES Owner’s Manual page 205.

If you drop to the Element Edit level, you’ll find access to the “NATIVE” Parameters. Called this because they differ for each different type of PLG150-Series board... the AN has different parameters from the DX, and both are different from the VL.

I believe you have to access this level of editing using the Editors... but this is just my best recollection. I do recall there is a deep level of access to controlling sounds the originate on the PLG Boards. And I do recall showing how to do this with the Editor (doesn’t mean it can’t be done on the ES, just I have no way of checking/verifying this myself (fourteen years out). The Motif ES Editor (Voice) was definitely involved.

I’ll continue to search my archives— it’s been more than a decade since I have accessed a PLG Board and my recall of the deeper details is sketchy... (at best)

I do recall using Studio Manager and the DX Simulator to create the PLG_USR for the Motif ES... Once the PLG_USER Voice was stored, when accessed in your Motif ES Multi or Performance, it would retain the assignments and play as you have designed.

You do have the ability to implement some deeper level assignments... That is for sure. Performing the synth boards (AN, DX, VL) it was all about using controllers. There is no “Element Switch”, however, the PLG Voice is treated as one Element. If you can find the Manuals for the PLG150-Series boards, they should include all the possibilities.

Let us know.

Posted : 18/06/2020 12:43 am
Posts: 245
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Thank you Phil. I am researching myself too to see what is possible using only my internal ES editing, which I guess you called the Motif ES Editor (Voice). I should receive the AN board over the weekend and would be happy to report back after I spend some hands on time with it. Beyond that, I also found an engineer in Poland who just released a new MIDI editor which supposedly allows modern day computers to address the PLG boards either stand-alone or as a DAW plug-in.

Posted : 19/06/2020 1:41 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Motif ES Editors

AN Expert Editor

Studio Manager v2.3.1

Rated for older computer systems—you may not be able to run these on today’s computer systems.

Posted : 19/06/2020 4:19 pm

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