Just to be clear, once properly enabled the ES will look for and load from either Smart Media or USB an ordinary ALL file named AUTOLOAD. However this ALL file will only include everything in internal memory. If I want to extend the autoload function to include PLG user settings, I will need to create additional separate files / Plugin All Bulk files for each PLG slot/board and name them AUTOLD [1,2,3 depending on the slot].W7B. So in the end, if I want to autoload internal settings + settings from three PLG boards, I will need to create four specially privileged files, correct? . .
You would only need to create the AutoLoad files for your PLG150-series boards if you are loading custom made sounds.
For example, from the AN Expert Editor which would specifically load the 036/002 Bank of the PLG150-AN Board, or you are loading sounds made from the VL Expert Editor which would specifically load to the 033/002 Bank of the PLG150-VL Board, or you are loading sounds from the DX Simulator which would specifically load to the 035/000 Bank of the PLG150-DX Board.
Each of these synth boards has a RAM Bank... the AN has 128 voice locations and DX has 64 locations, the VL has 6 locations
Everything else is saved in and restored by the AUTOLOAD.W7A/.W8A File set... including the PLG Pre, and PLG Usr Voices.
Got it now, I think...... all PLG User Voices ARE part of my AUTOLOAD.W7A file. I won't need to create additional autoload files until such time as I deep dive into more expert native PLG board parameter editing which would be stored to different banks NOT part of the W7A autoload file.