Hi guys,
My mid-2012 non retina Macbook Pro is crashing when I plug in my MOX or MX via USB. However my Motif is plugged in and is fine. I’m currently using the John Melas editors and can see all the Motif info. I’ve tried different USB Ports, the USB ports on my Thunderbolt Hub, and swapped cables.
Here is a portion of the crash report:
Panic Report
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff802ff35bcb): “Element 0xffffff804ffdde00 from zone kalloc.512 caught being freed to wrong zone kalloc.160n"@/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-3789.60.24/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:2656
Troubleshooting starts with matching operating system (your Mac OS) with the proper driver...
You don't mention your Mac OS nor the installed drivers.
In the meantime here are some suggestions:
Since both the MOX and MX use the same USB driver and the Motif XF uses a completely different driver, this gives us a clue as to where to start.
The Motif XF would the current "Yamaha USB-MIDI driver" for Mac
The MOX and MX would use the current "Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver" version 1.9.10 for Mac ... as this driver is going to have to handle both MIDI and audio via USB.
Do not use a hub, see if connecting either one of these directly solves the issue.
Verify you have the correct driver for your Mac OS
Select your country
Look under "Synthesizers & Music Production Tools"
I reinstalled the driver and that did the trick. I wasn't aware there were two different drivers.
Still the baddest Bad Mister on the block....