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Adding a Drum Pad MIDI Controller to MODX

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I'd like to add a MIDI Drum Pad Controller to the MODX.

One option I'm leaning toward is the Akai MPD218.


Can it be connected directly to the MODX (it does not have a 5 Pin MIDI Out)?

Or I need to route it through a PC/DAW?

With such a Drum Pad or Similar Ones, does the pads have to be assigned sequentially to the notes (i.e. back to back, Pad 1 = C1, Pad 2 = C#1, etc.) Or they can be assigned to any note/Drum Sound on the keyboard regardless of the order?
The particular one I mentioned seems to have an PC editor that can change assignments, but I did not find if it works live in the DAW only or it updates the ROM of the Pad itself that it saves those assignments even when disconnected.

Anyone with experience in that matter?


Posted : 15/05/2022 1:34 pm
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Can it be connected directly to the MODX (it does not have a 5 Pin MIDI Out)?

I was sure that I read it somewhere in the past, and just found it in a post @psrtutorial forum for Montage, and confirmed it in the supplementary manual.

New Functions in MODX Version 2.00
• You can now connect MIDI equipment via the USB TO DEVICE terminal.

So the answer is Yes for that question.

This leaves me wondering how assignments work! It only follows standards? Or it can be edited somehow without using the PC live (i.e. use the PC only for editing and not for live performance)?

Posted : 15/05/2022 2:54 pm
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Update #2:

This question, (, encouraged me this morning to do a quick test (honestly I found an MAudio Oxygen 25 by chance with my construction cloths lol! It was my travel companion to construction sites).
If you check that other post, I tested the direct connection of a MIDI Controller to the USB to Device Port of the MODX, and it worked well!

But somehow, the Drum Pads on the keyboard did not work at all!! I first tought they may be out of the MODX Range, but tested with Tranpose both ways on the MODX and on the MIDI and they did not work, which is strange to me, because my understanding that those Pads are simply Note-On / Note-Off messages, no?

Back to work now, so I will test more later, but if someone has some experience or knowledge, I would appreciate the support.

Posted : 16/05/2022 2:41 pm
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Update #3 [SOLVED]:

I am sorry for asking questions then answering myself 🙂 But I did not have any of the info before asking these questions, then I found them piece by piece! And I thought it is good to post here to close the loop and help!

So I opened the M-Audio Manual and found this:

Pads: Press these velocity-sensitive pads to send Note On/Off and velocity data when performing. To change the pad octave assignment, hold down the Shift and the + or - octave button. These changes affect all eight pads globally. To transpose from the default pad assignments, hold down the Shift and Select button and press the + or - octave buttons. To reset the pads to the default factory assignments, hold down the Shift and both octave buttons. The pads will only send on MIDI channel 10.

That Solves why the pads weren't working. Putting the Drum Part on Part 10, makes it work. I am sure other Pad Controller have more flexible options with the MIDI Channels (I guess this one is fixed to Ch10 because it is a mixed Keyboard/Pads).

The above was tested with success!

With such a Drum Pad or Similar Ones, does the pads have to be assigned sequentially to the notes (i.e. back to back, Pad 1 = C1, Pad 2 = C#1, etc.) Or they can be assigned to any note/Drum Sound on the keyboard regardless of the order?

Without testing this time, just by scrolling down the Controller Manual (Oxygen 25), it seems that any note or button can be assigned to any midi message live from the keyboard, i.e. I can send an "E" note on/off using a "C" key or even the "Play" button... that's what I understood but again, without testing. So the answer is the Pads do not need to be assigned back to back, but they can be assigned to any sound of the DrumKit regardless of the order!!


Posted : 16/05/2022 4:24 pm
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Hi Bill,

That's true, it is confusing!

But here is a long story short:

When I decided to add a drumpad, my research led me to like the MPD218 (cost, size, shape, etc...). So I asked about it here, hoping that someone would say "Yes it works". I know Akai Pads are of good quality and responsive (Owned previously an Akai Mini Play).

Outside this topic:
- I recently decided to sell all of my unsued stuff, especially electronics that I don't use much. One of the things I sold recently was an Oxygen 49.
- I used to travel a lot to work, like every 2 weeks, the reason I owned an Akai Mini (to keep my fingers moving when I'm there), which I then sold after finishing my assignement (no more frequent travel). Note: didn't use it much, I couldn't accept the Mini Keys!
- I got called couple times to travel occasionally, even after finishing my assignment back last Nov, the reason I bought the Oxygen 25 on my travel day. Believe me, I totally forgot that I owned it, and recently selling my Oxygen 49 made think that I no longer have any MIDI Controller!! The Oxygen 25 though was still in my travel bag with my construction cloths.

This question, (, encouraged me this morning to do a quick test (honestly I found an MAudio Oxygen 25 by chance with my construction cloths lol! It was my travel companion to construction sites).

When I read that other post, I knew the setup being questioned would work, and I wanted to test it, which rang a bell that oh I have that Oxygen 25! And the rest of the story is here!

Having said the above, the Oxygen 25 is still bulky for my set-up (and good I found it to sell it :)), and after I tested it, I feel more ready now to get my desired option, the MPD218.

I know not relevant, but you asked and I had no other option but to answer the with the full story 🙂

Posted : 16/05/2022 5:34 pm

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