This is the 2nd time this has happened...
when I turn my MODX7 on, instead of my list of patches appearing on the screen...its black, with a flashing cursor in the upper LH corner of the screen.
Should this happen?
BTW...what is the # OS that I should be running?
You should generally run the latest on the product support page.
Which, as of today, is v1.10
Generally strange things like this should not happen. Make sure you have no USB stick or other devices connected to the "USB to Device" port. What I'm thinking is perhaps content on your USB stick like a firmware image tripping the firmware update or USB devices like keyboards or other things that may trip the OS. So making sure there's nothing connected to the USB port is just a debug step to try to clear the table and see if that is related to the failure occurrence (or not).
If you do not want to fool with this - a quick service check (at a qualified service center) would, at least, run the diagnostics and ensure all systems were OK. I would, myself, wonder if memory is passing and the other interconnect buses as this flashing cursor thing seems like the OS is getting hung up during the boot before transition from terminal to graphics mode.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thanks for response.
I DO have a USB plugged in...will try taking it out.