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C M E : Cubase Modx Editor.
Hello I want to know something about modx because I plan to buy in future, but first I give you some info about my studio. PC & Cubase 10, interface: RME,ucx, Sounds: 2keyboards & Vsti.
Q) I don’t want to use modx interface, I just want usb to midi and work with Cubase & modx pc editor, it is possible to guide me how and what internal settings in modx & Cubase?

Posted : 01/09/2019 8:48 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The MODX has a built-in Audio and MIDI interface. You can choose to use it or not. You are under no obligation to use the audio portion of it. Simply connect the Main L&R Analog Outputs to two channels of your Audio Interface.

You are under no obligation to use the MIDI portion of the built-in Interface, either; you can connect the MODX via 5-pin MIDI In/Out to an external interface β€” although you might want to use the built-in MIDI portion via USB connection direct to your computer. Both the built-in MIDI and Audio Interfaces use the Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver version 1.10.4 for Windows. The setup in Cubase determines which portion you are using. You will setup to use the RME as you Audio Interface following the instructions for that device.

To use the built-in MIDI interface, in the MODX go to [UTILITY] > β€œSettings” > β€œMIDI I/O” = set the MIDI I/O = USB.

In Cubase: Go to STUDIO > STUDIO SETUP... > MIDI > MIDI PORT SETUP > you will see the MODX listed as a MIDI input device. In the column that activates β€œIn β€˜All MIDI Inputs’” place a mark next to Port 1 for communication with the MODX internal engine.

Place a mark next to MODX Port 3 if you need to connect an external MIDI device. A keyboard connected to MODX via a standard 5-pin MIDI cable is able to send data thru the MODX directly to Cubase via β€œPort 3”. And conversely, a Cubase MIDI Track set to output on MODX-3 (Port3) will pass thru the MODX and arrive at the 5-pin MIDI Out Jack.

The USB-MIDI connection (Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver) will also allow you to use the MODX CONNECT utility (free download) which runs as an extension to Cubase. It can be configured to automatically capture and restore your MODX setups on a per Project basis. You setup communication with MODX CONNECT via a VST Instrument Track... this is not a Track you Record to, it sets up communication with the MODX hardware for managing bulk transfers.

For example, this allows to to drag and drop Song data from the built-in MODX Performance Recorder directly into Cubase, where Cubase can dissolve it to separate MIDI Tracks. It will also automatically capture your current Performance when you Save your Cubase (.CPR) Project File and can automatically restore the MODX Performance when next you open that Project. It can run entirely in the background.

I don’t know what C.M.E. is or what you are referring to when mention this... perhaps the John Melas β€œMODX Total Librarian” tool kit (which is a third party Editor/Librarian)? Or his MONTAGE/MODX Waveform Editor? Those are separate from your Cubase environment.

Posted : 01/09/2019 9:12 pm
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First of all Thank you, your reply is very detailed & I understand your words, so now I’m 95% close to buying MODX.

Next is yes, your right understand I mean John Melas β€œMODX pc editor, I see its video on YouTube and I'm very impressed.

Why doesn't Yamaha make this type of editor for MODX? Actually I don’t know the third party is relabel, it’s working properly or not? Or any type of bug, I’m bit confuse.
Please guide me buy or not? Regards, Grover.

Posted : 01/09/2019 10:35 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Why doesn't Yamaha make this type of editor for MODX?

Yamaha is a hardware company.

The Melas software is extremely reliable and highly recommended. Whether you should buy it, or not, you will need to decide. It does allow those that want to get deeply into programming some distinct advantages. It will depend on how deeply you (as an individual) want to go. If you work a lot with creating your own custom Waveforms and such, then by all means get it. You will love it. The Waveform Editor allows you to work on your audio in the computer where you have tons of memory... making things way faster when assembling large audio files. If you are into creating your own Waveforms and instruments, the Waveform Editor is essential.

But either way you want to learn to work the MODX from its front panel. The better you know how to operate the MODX from the MODX’s own front panel, the better your experience with the Editors. It is not for everyone, each user works with the gear in their own way. You can download a DEMO version (so no risk in seeing how it works) decide if it helps you do what you need.

But I highly recommend learning the MODX itself. Then you can truly appreciate the Editors.

Posted : 02/09/2019 3:31 am
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Well, it's obvious that Yamaha decided to cut their costs by NOT providing extensive PC, Mac or iOS software support. It's enough to compare the software applications available for MOXF with these for MODX to see the difference. Yamaha tried to justify that with the big colorful display they added, but that does not fill the gap of the missing deep, like VST plugin, DAW integration that was available for MOXF and is now missing with MODX. As a matter of fact there is NO DAW control in MODX whatsoever, which was available in the previous generations!
While I appreciate the added functionality in MODX, I don't like what they cut off from the previous generation in terms of software support and DAW integration. Me, being a stupid as humans can be, believed the pre-release marketing talk that we may expect such features to appear in a later update. It's almost a year later, let's see if we will get some anniversary update...

Posted : 04/09/2019 7:11 am
Posts: 8355
Illustrious Member

Alternatively, Yamaha could have helped enable the capable software developers out there who can collaborate (or not) to produce free/low-cost/"open-source"/etc. solutions. Replacing software that was lost from last generation or augmenting software currently available. An SDK or some form of documentation for 3rd party enablement.

Yes, I've made requests. These were answered and no such information is available.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 04/09/2019 4:27 pm
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Hello, today I detail checked MODX=76 in store and finally I order 61keys-v so they will post in next 5w days.

13 I-Effects & Sample Sound:

Q1, in performance mod I have 16 Part so I want to apply every part deferent Insertion Effects & settings, can I do this?

Q2, I have in usb wave sample 1sound so I insert in MODX and how to apply all keys, that wave sample and create a sound?

Posted : 11/09/2019 2:01 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Q1, in performance mod I have 16 Part so I want to apply every part deferent Insertion Effects & settings, can I do this?

No. You can apply Dual Insertion Effects on all sixteen Parts plus the A/D Input on the MONTAGE. On the MODX, you can apply Dual Insertion Effects on twelve Parts plus the A/D Input. All eight of the KBD CTRL Parts, plus any four of the Parts between 9-16.

Effects can be reallocated, when necessary.
If you are recording audio to a DAW, the MONTAGE has 32 outs via USB. The MODX can output 10 outs via USB. Therefore, when recording Audio Out via USB you will be using multiple passes (you can reallocate your Insert Effects so that you can use them when transferring audio to your DAW).

Both units have enough muscle so the 8 simultaneously controlled (KBD CTRL) Parts can access their Dual Insertion Effects, plus the AD Input.

Q2, I have in usb wave sample 1sound so I insert in MODX and how to apply all keys, that wave sample and create a sound?

You can load it directly from your USB stick... the MODX creates a Waveform.

A β€œWaveform” is a MODX term β€” it allows you to turn your .wav into a musical entity. You direct it to a Key (C-2 thru G8) that key will sound the original pitch. If you assign it to middle β€œC”, for example, C3, the original pitch will sound. You can extend the range of keys that will trigger it. Each key is 1/12 of an octave different from its neighbor (Equal Temperament), by default, but you can change the scaling... If C3 is the original pitch C4 will be one octave higher, C2 will sound one octave lower. As many as 256 samples can occupy a Waveform.

The Waveform is accessed by a MODX entity called an ELEMENT which defines things like how loud it will sound when you strike a Key... as .wav it is not musical because it always plays at the same pitch and always at the same volume. The Element also allows you to shape how Loudness changes over time, how the timbre behave over time, even how the pitch changes over time...

Posted : 11/09/2019 3:27 pm
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Actually my 99% work in Cubase so now I want to understand MODX (Insertion Effects) section, because my sounds sores thru MODX. Is there any video tutorial for Insertion Effects on U-tube or other sides ? πŸ™‚
How to turn off touch lcd beep sound?

Posted : 12/09/2019 12:01 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

How to turn off touch lcd beep sound?

Press [UTILITY] > touch β€œSettings” > β€œSystem”
On this screen you can set your preferences. These settings will be written to your User Files (if you load an older User File it will have your previous settings... you can update your older .X8U Files by loading them, setting your system settings as you prefer, then overwriting that File).

Posted : 13/09/2019 1:59 pm

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