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dawcomputer setup

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Newbie here, just bought my modx 8 and love it. I cannot get it to work properly with my computerDAW recording. I can trigger vst's on my computer with it but how do i use the sounds from the modx? here is my current setup.

Modx connect to computer via usb
computer connected to an m audio profire audio interface
studio one 4 as my daw

ive set the modx to midi record to daw in the quick setup

on the track i cannot set the midi channel it just says none.
i tried using cakewalk as well and can set the midi channel in it but still nothing

Is there a step by step guide somewhere. ive read the manual with no results.. thank you in advance

Posted : 26/11/2018 1:23 am
Posts: 8194
Illustrious Member

Have you reviewed this tutorial? I have some questions about your references, but it would be best to run through the tutorial first if you have not already:

On Cubase, you would set the MIDI port to "Any" so that all tracks played by MODX are recorded at once.

When you have a multi-PART Performance, assuming your instrument is in multi-MIDI-channel mode, each PART will be documented on its own MIDI channel. PART1 = MIDI channel 1, PART2 = MIDI channel 2, and so on ... When triggering Performances from a DAW - you're going to want to have the DAW send messages on multiple channels so all PARTs are triggered simultaneously.

If your instrument is setup as single-channel MIDI mode - then you can limit the MIDI channel to the same channel setup as the single-channel MIDI transmit/receive channel.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 26/11/2018 7:15 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Modx connect to computer via usb
computer connected to an m audio profire audio interface
studio one 4 as my daw

Hi Matthew,
The MODX has its own built-in Audio and MIDI interface built-in... this means you actually have more flexibility using the MODX to serve as its own interface.

The MODX will show up in the computer as a MIDI device with three Ports:
Port 1 - MODX music and Controller data
Port 2 - reserved for Remote Control (future feature)
Port 3 - connect an external MIDI device to thru data to/from the computer for that device

The MODX will show up in the computer as 10 Audio Inputs
Main L&R
USB 1-8 (configurable as odd/even stereo pairs or as individual mono sends)
Any audio source connected to the MODX’s A/D Input can be routed through its own dedicated channel featuring a Dual Insertion Effect block, and access to any of the Output options.
You will also see 4 Audio Outputs from the computer going to the MODX. One audio pair go directly to the Main L&R Outputs (your Speakers) and the other pair are routed to the internal synth engine where you determine what happens to it before you route it on to your desired destination.

Using the MODX as your Audio Interface will give you 10 Outputs — allowing isolation of important tracks when you wish to process (Effect) a Part separately in your DAW.

It is highly recommended to walk before you fly. Start your experiments recording the MODX as follows:

From the MODX [PERFORMANCE (HOME)] screen:
Touch “Init” > choose “Multi/GM”

This Init template creates a 16 Part Multi-timbral setup.
You can now select Part 1, touch the “Type/Name” box for Part 1, a pop-in menu appears with “Category Search”
This type of Category Search will be for the individual PART, “Part 1 - Category Search”
Set the “Bank” = Preset
Set the “Attribute” = Single
The selections will now be green, indicating these are Single Part programs suitable for sequencing to your DAW, Track by Track.

You can choose to use the whichever device you want as your audio interface... if you decide you want to use the MODX connect your Monitor Speakers to the Main L&R Outputs of the MODX. If you decide you want to use the m audio as your audio interface, connect the Main L&R Outputs of the MODX to two channels of the external audio interface, connect the Outputs of that device to your Monitor Speakers.
Rule: the device acting as your primary audio interface must connect to your sound system (all audio sources must connect to that device).

For the MODX to work with your computer you should download and install the “Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver” appropriate for your computer type. This one driver will handle (separately) all MIDI and Audio information traveling to/from your computer. You can choose to use the Audio portion or not, it is entirely your choice.

How do you have your gear setup?
What would you like your workflow to be? In other words...
Do you record MIDI Tracks first... then edit them, then render audio?
Do you just record MIDI?
Do you just record directly as Audio?
Do you need to record a Microphone?
What type of microphone?
Do you play and sing? (Simultaneously?)

As you can tell, there is no one-way to work!

Posted : 28/11/2018 1:56 pm
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Hi and thanks for getting back so quick. My problem is i cannot select the modx in studio one. I create a midi track and it just says none. there is no modx 1-2 or 3..

Also very helpful with connecting the audio outs to the maudio. I was under the impression the usb would handle all that. This is my first keyboard. Ive always used vst's.

I attached a pic showing i dont have an option to select modx as midi. But it does trigger vst's

Attached files

Posted : 29/11/2018 12:44 am
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Also i did install the usb drivers.. it is working in cakewalk so im thinking its a studio one thing

Posted : 29/11/2018 12:54 am
Posts: 8194
Illustrious Member

There are no step-by-step guides for Presonus Studio One. I'll install Presonus Prime and see if I can replicate your problem discovering MODX.

If you have a PC - then "out of the box" only a single audio interface can be used at a time. That means if M-Audio is working for you (and you'd prefer using MODX's built-in) - then you'll need to change the configuration to use MODX's ASIO driver for audio instead of M-Audio. In fact, there is probably some place (like most DAWs) where you configure the MIDI and Audio devices -- and this step has not been accomplished with Studio One yet.

I'm assuming you don't want to install Cubase to see a DAW with tutorials work. That's understandable.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 29/11/2018 1:13 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Hi and thanks for getting back so quick. My problem is i cannot select the modx in studio one. I create a midi track and it just says none. there is no modx 1-2 or 3..

Also very helpful with connecting the audio outs to the maudio. I was under the impression the usb would handle all that. This is my first keyboard. Ive always used vst's.

I attached a pic showing i dont have an option to select modx as midi. But it does trigger vst's

Seems definitely like a Studio One "Setup" issue... one you should easily be able to solve...

You cannot, in any DAW, just go to the MIDI Track and automatically see your synth. You must "show" the software where to look for the incoming data. In most Pro DAWs, like Studio One, you only have to do this once. What you want to do is find that *Setup* or *Options* menu....

Find the MIDI SETUP functions in Studio One, and make sure the "MODX-1 (Port 1)" is set as the MIDI IN/OUT device.
Then when you create a MIDI Track you can select MODX.

Extra Credit:
One of the advantages of external hardware over "in the computer" VST's, is the MODX being external brings along its own CPU, its own resources in terms of sound generation, EQ, Effect processing etc., etc., all without adding much burden on the computer's CPU. Also being external dedicated hardware, the MODX is focused on the task of creating music at superior sound quality.

It has a high quality built-in audio interface that allows you more musical flexibility than using an external device like the m audio.
The advantage of using the MODX as you audio interface is it simplifies the connection and offers you 10 digital Outputs to you DAW.
Your other audio interface is going to limited to receiving just the stereo Output from the MODX.

Once you configure your systemproperly, you'll find ways to build your projects quickly and efficiently.

Posted : 29/11/2018 3:31 am
Posts: 8194
Illustrious Member

From a song:

Song -> Song Setup
(or CTRL + . ) - that's control plus a period.

Then choose the "Options" button at the bottom of this dialog. Then choose the "External Devices" icon at the top. You can "Add..." if MODX doesn't exist or "Edit..." the existing MODX MIDI device. From the next menu, you can choose the driver such as MODX-1 (this is what you want) and can select "Any" for all 16 channels or pick your channels one-by-one.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 29/11/2018 6:21 am

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