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MODX Data List page 30
Solaris | Crumbler | Moving Floor | Trance Master
MODX Data List page 31
How to guess the names? When will the typo be fixed?
I'm searching
C2 2572 White Noise
D2 2572 White Noise
but I not found any kit with White Noise
Solaris kit
I'm not clear as to what the question is either, but I'll just try to take a stab at an answer still.
For reference, above is an excerpt from the Solaris table. It shows where in the drum kit various samples (Waveforms) are located. Since you mention "White Noise" specifically, I'll start there.
First, some definitions.
Note is the first (left-most) column. This is telling you the MIDI note. "C2" is the "C" note, octave 2. The lowest MIDI note for MODX is C-2 (a "C" note octave -2). The highest octave is octave 8. So notes go from octave -2 through -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and finally 8. And notes range from "C" to "B" (C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B). The highest MIDI note is G8 (a "G" note in octave 8).
Every MODX (6, 7, or 8) has 128 notes from C-2 to G8. However, the physical keys on your keyboard only map to either 61, 76, or 88 physical keys. "Middle C" for Yamaha keyboards is designated as MIDI note "C3".
Therefore, what the chart is telling use is that "White Noise" is located on two different keys. C2 (The "C" one octave below Middle C) and the D2 (the "D" a full step above middle C2, or the first "D" below middle C).
The next column "Wave Number" tells you which waveform or sample number is assigned to the key. Not all keys have to have unique samples. Since drum keys can have different tunings of the same sample - you can see multiple keys with the same sample that use different tunings. OR sometimes you can see multiple keys with the same tuning. Something like a tympani might have the same sample spread out over two different keys so you can play a "roll" using two hands. This chart doesn't tell you if the sample has different tunings or other settings. Therefore, this is something you'd need to discover on your own. Getting back to "Wave Number" - part of the use of knowing the number is that the Waveform Category Search allows for you to search by number so it may be easier to refer to a Waveform by the number rather than a name.
The next column is the name. The use of this column is much like the number - only the name would have some clue as to what the Waveform sounds like. "White Noise" is, well - white noise.
Here's a definition of white noise from source: Encyclopedia Britannica
white noise, in music, the effect of the complete range of audible sound-wave frequencies heard simultaneously, analogous to white light, which contains all the frequencies of the light spectrum. The sound of cymbals and snare drums has white-noise characteristics. Electronically synthesized white noise can be filtered so as to produce combinations of frequencies not obtainable on traditional musical instruments; or the white noise itself may be used as an element of music.
White noise is aperiodic sound (that is, its wave pattern is not repetitive) and consists of equal intensities of all frequencies of the audible spectrum.
When I recall the "Solaris" drum kit and press "C2" I hear white noise. When I press "D2" I hear white noise. I don't see there's a typo. C2 and D2 are set to different pitch offsets using the same sample. This is a common technique.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Also, some further information on "Solaris". You may notice when you use [CATEGORY SEARCH] and search for "Solaris" then recall the "Solaris" Performance - the Performance is much more than a Drum Kit. When you press different keys you don't hear individual drums. This Performance is not setup as just a pure Drum Kit. It's a Performance that contains a drum kit - but also has other Parts.
What you have to do to isolate the Drum kit is understand a little about the Performance's construction. With experience, you'll be able to do this on your own. Perhaps you're not there yet. No issue.
After you recall "Solaris" and navigate to the [PERFORMANCE] (HOME) screen, you'll see there are 4 Parts. Part 3 has an orange emblem that, in small print, reads "DRUM". This tells you Part 3 is the Drum Part.
First what we want to do is turn off arpeggios. We just want to tear everything away so we can only hear the drum kit. Press the [ARP ON/OFF] button so arpeggios are turned off.
Next, turn keyboard control OFF for Parts 1,2, and 4. Then press [PERFORMANCE] (HOME) so no Part is selected. Press piano keys. You won't hear anything.
Touch Part 3 and choose "Edit". Then navigate to Part 3 Common (common blue box in the lower left) and menus "Arpeggio" -> "Common".
From the common Arpeggio menu, note the parameter "Arp Play Only" is turned ON. Turn this OFF. What this parameter does is tells MODX to only respond to the keyboard when the Arpeggio is turned ON. Since we turned off the arpeggio - when this parameter was set to ON - we didn't hear anything. The keyboard was ignored. With "Arp Play Only" set to OFF - now we will hear the drum kit.
You can find middle C and then play the C an octave below to hear white noise and then the next D up to hear the higher pitched white noise.
Now press on the lower right of the touchscreen "Drum Key". Make sure "Keyboard Select" is turned on (green). Press the C2 keyboard key again.
You'll see on the top row:
Preset Number: "2572" Category: "SFX" Sub Category: "SE" Name: "White Noise"
You'll see this for both the C2 and D2 piano keys. Notice a few rows down the "Tune Coarse" parameter is changing between +3 for C2 and +6 for D2.
Also, under "Keyboard Select" you'll notice the Drum Key shows you the MIDI note for the piano key you press.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
The "Solaris" kit is Part 3 of the "Solaris" Performance. That's not well documented and only becomes obvious once you've learned enough about the instrument to tease this out.
If I put my critique hat on, I'd say it would have been "nice" for Performances that have Drum Kits indexed on in the drum assignment tables to always have the Drum Part as Part 1. This way if you wanted to use MSB+LSB+PC to recall the drum Part you could use the Single-Part MSB+LSB+PC to recall the kit and also makes finding the drums more consistent overall.
Part of what we see here are consequences of moving away from the Voice/Performance hierarchy.
The other "solution" would be to have each Drum Kit have a perhaps "redundant" Performance with the drums exclusively (in Part 1). So there would be "Solaris" and maybe "Solaris Dr" where "Dr" would designate it's a drum-only Performance.
I can certainly appreciate the relatively steep learning curve for piecing this together for someone new to Montage/MODX (on their own). I'm a big proponent of self-evident features that require no (or little) documentation. And that learning builds upon learning where one concept is carried through in a consistent manner without the need for a list of exceptions. I think this is an example where that goal isn't possible. Perhaps next generation will fare better.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Please see this link for Part 2: Drum Kits where are they? How you can make it work for you
Yes, you were right! Thanks!
I was sure it was a typographical error.
I remember that Schlager Weapon 1 is a "voice"
Suddenly, among the drum kits, I see names that are not among the drum kits in the instrument category.
Yes, now I see that this is part of the performance.
Although you should not mix multi-channel sets with single ones in the manual. Despite the fact that there are no voices in MODX, they are in the head.