As I was playing around with my MODX tonight I was scrolling through performances in category search, and I realized that it doesn't tell you what bank any given performance is in. I know you can select a bank to search and only see the performances within that bank (i.e. preset, user, favorite, library etc)., but if you're on a particular performance and have All selected in the bank drop down, there's no way to know what bank it is in, is there?
Especially when I have imported banks from my prior Motif XS in a library, and have also edited preset performances and stored them in my User bank, I now have duplicate performance names on the list. Short of filtering by bank in Category Search, how can I tell what bank I'm in?
I tried View and Properties, but those don't show the bank either.
If you are in “Performance Category Search” and you have highlighted a Performance and wish to figure out which Bank it comes from, there are several ways to figure that out.
__Using the touch screen: tap the “Bank/Favorite” to see the pop-in menu. A list of your available Banks appears... touch them will not change the current program, only the listing of selections... here’s how this works:
Touch each Bank option in turn, if you no longer see your mystery Performance highlighted in the screen, you know it is not in that Bank.
Tap the next Bank on the list and continue until you see it highlighted in white. It will be highlighted in “All”, of course, and one other Bank. That other Bank is its location.
__Alternate method: go to the HOME screen of your mystery Performance
Tap the Performance Name box, a pop-in menu appears
Tap “Property” the pertinent information about the Performance will appear... including the Bank in which it resides.
Especially when I have imported banks from my prior Motif XS in a library, and have also edited preset performances and stored them in my User bank, I now have duplicate performance names on the list. Short of filtering by bank in Category Search, how can I tell what bank I'm in?
When you have several duplicate Performances, set the “Bank/Favorite” = All, tap the “Name” option on the bottom to sort the Performances alphabetically. Duplicates will appear next to each other. Use a Favorite marker (places a yellow star) to differentiate...
I assume you are thinking you want to delete the duplicates... well remember, you can only Delete a Performance from the User Bank.
If you have installed a Performance to a Library, it is in ROM (Read Only Memory) -
If a Performance is in Preset, it is in ROM.
You cannot Delete items from ROM. You could recreate the Library then replace it.
You can only Delete Performances from the User Bank... you do so by going to
[UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Data Utility” > Touch the “Performance” Folder. It contains all of your User Performances, you can Delete them from here. (Touch “Job” to activate the multiple selection function, Mark those you wish to Delete).
Tap the Performance Name box, a pop-in menu appears
Tap “Property” the pertinent information about the Performance will appear... including the Bank in which it resides.
So it does... LOL... I totally missed that last night even staring at the property box. Guess that's what I get for playing with my synth when I should have been in bed. 🙂
As for duplicate performance names, I'm going to start prefixing my user performances with "K" so I know they're the ones I created or edited. 😉
As for duplicate performance names, I'm going to start prefixing my user performances with "K" so I know they're the ones I created or edited. 😉
Absolutely, if you make an adjustment to how a Factory program responds, it is a “best practice” to rename or add a prefix, or suffix, to the name — just to differentiate it. If you don’t, you will see a ROM and RAM version listed when List “All”.
Alternate Method: Set Search “BANK” = User, use the Favorite option, “Set”, to mark your User versions... this way when searching with “Bank” = “All” your versions will standout with the yellow star.