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MIDI command to automatically change Octave and Semitone

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I am sending MIDI signal from my iPad (running OnSong) to change to specific Performance slots in preparation of playing live. Very cool and simple to do. Program change = Slot number, MSB = 62, and LSB = 1 less than Live Set page number. Works perfect.

I would like to be able to send MIDI (program change or note or...whatever it takes) to be able to have the MODX not only change to the correct Performance, but also change Octave setting and Semitone setting automatically. I have poured through the MODX Data List manual and cannot decipher what I need to send to the MODX to make this happen.


Posted : 06/11/2019 11:17 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

Octave Shift (high, med, low address):

00 00 08 with data of 0x40 for no shift. 0x41 for +1 (and so on for positive), 0x3F for -1 (and so on for negative)


00 00 07 with data of 0x40 for no transposition. 0x41 for +1 semitone. 0x3F for -1 semitone

This is a system setting that persists through program changes - so be sure to set it back if you change it from defaults.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 07/11/2019 2:31 am
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I bet this makes perfect sense to someone who "reads MIDI." Soooo can you decipher/translate for me? Can you use terms like MSB and LSB and "program change number" (or whatever).

Sorry but this is all new to me and pretty much "Greek."

Thanks! Jason!

Posted : 08/11/2019 12:50 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

From the OnSong Manual

“Certain MIDI equipment can perform more advanced tasks by receiving system-exclusive or "SysEx" commands. These are specific bytes of information that can be sent using the command MIDI connection.

In OnSong, you choose the SysEx command and then tap on the value row to set the value of the SysEx. This is entered using a text-entry screen in the menu, allowing you to view and type the SysEx values. Values are typically entered as hexadecimal numbers referring to bytes to be sent over MIDI.

Note: You will need to contact the manufacturer of your MIDI equipment to determine what should be written in these fields. The nature of SysEx deems that these are system-exclusive commands and not in the common MIDI command lexicon.”

If you wish to use Sysex commands to Transpose the Octave and Semitones, you have to be specific about exactly what you want to do. As the messages must be specific.

We have to ask, if you are preparing data ahead of time to be used on stage, why not “prepare” the MODX Performance to be exactly what you need. This way it already is set with the correct settings to be played when you send the MSB/LSB and PC.

It is not clear to me whether you really want to change the Transpose (which changes what the Keyboard sends) or whether you want to change Note Shift (which changes the sound which the Tone Generator outputs).

A give us an example of a specific scenario, we’ll,explain how it works...

Posted : 08/11/2019 1:28 am
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

I didn't link to this:

... because it's for Montage and MODX is slightly different. But the Montage version walks you through some of the background. The difference is the parameter change Sysex message for MODX is:

F0H 43H 1nH 7FH 1CH 07H ahH amH alH ddH...ddH F7H -- As for MODX
and not
F0H 43H 1nH 7FH 1CH 02H ahH amH alH ddH...ddH F7H -- As for Montage

That information guides you through using the "address high", "address middle", and "address low" along with "data".

EDIT - Since the above, I created a reference for MODX which should help:

For Octave:

Address high: 00, Address Middle: 00, Address High: 08 and data: 0x41 for +1 octave or data: 0x3F for -1 octave. 0x40 means no octave shift. So values larger than 0x40 are positive octave shift, values less than 0x40 are negative octave shift.

The "answer" is (in hex notation as 0x## instead of ##H as above) for shifting up by one octave:

0xF0 0x43 0x7F 0x1C 0x07 0x00 0x00 0x08 0x41 0xF7

... where I've bolded the address high/med/low and underlined the data. Change 0x41 accordingly to achieve no octave shift or degree of +/- octave shift.

You should be able to handle the transpose also.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 08/11/2019 2:54 am
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Thank you both for your replies. I appreciate the time you both take to help.

Bad Mister asks: "... if you are preparing data ahead of time to be used on stage, why not “prepare” the MODX Performance to be exactly what you need."

I like that idea BEST if the individual Performances could store the semitone shifts and octave settings as well. That would be awesome! I just haven't found that ability if it's in the MODX somewhere.

I adjust the semitones manually (keyboard transpose) for days I "can't hit the high notes" or playing along with some of the original recordings to learn the song.

Dan Fogelberg's "Same Old Lang Syne" I need to adjust semitone settings. I CAN do it manually but would be better if I could have it automated when OnSong pulls up the song.

When moving from one song to another, I sometimes need to adjust the octave but sometimes forget. Example..Moving from Styx "Fooling Yourself" to Eagles "Desperado" to give me the ability to play the "Low D" in the intro. (MODX 7) I have to shift the Octave -1.

Thanks again for your help!

Posted : 15/11/2019 9:24 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I like that idea BEST if the individual Performances could store the semitone shifts and octave settings as well. That would be awesome!

You can store the NOTE SHIFT setting for each Part within the Performance.

You can create a User Performance for each Song and use the Part Note Shift parameter instead of using the front panel OCTAVE buttons.

Posted : 15/11/2019 10:31 pm
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Excellent suggestion. So simple. Thanks!

Posted : 19/11/2019 6:15 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

You’re quite welcome.

Posted : 19/11/2019 8:04 am

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