Hello Forum, I was hoping someone would help me with step by step instructions on how to save a performance on the MODX8 that sends MIDI on one channel to control sounds on the NE6 while also receiving MIDI (I'm guessing on a separate channel) so that the NE6 controls a sound on the MODX8. In this scenario, I am wanting to play different sounds on each.
Update: I am realizing, after receiving info from the Nord User Forum, that the NE6 doesn't allow sending and receiving MIDI on different channels, so the NE6 is the limiting factor here. But the community may want to know how to do it with another keyboard that does allow sending and receiving on two separate MIDI channels. The Nord forum thread I am referring to is linked to this post.
It seems we got it figured out in the Nord forum. I attached a link to the thread again in addition to a link to the "Mastering MONTAGE: Zone Master FAQ" page.