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Midi notes stacked on top of each other in Logic Pro x

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Hi guys, I just bought the MODX8 and I have been trying to use it as a controller to produce in Logic Pro X. For some reason when I record a software instrument, the midi notes record 4 times if that makes sense.. so for example, if I have some software drums loaded up and I hit record then press the note assigned to the kick. The midi note for the kick is gonna be stacked 4 times on top of each other. Can anybody help me with this problem? It even makes my software drums sound weird.

Posted : 06/06/2020 6:54 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The reason you are seeing/hearing four notes is because you are currently transmitting from the MODX via a four Part Performance.
Simply put, what is different about the MODX is that it can occupy as many as 8 MIDI Channels. What you want to do is transmit on a single MIDI Channel at a time. We’ll show you how ... this will be useful when wishing to use the MODX as an external controller (as in your DAW).

Like most synths and keyboards, what the MODX normally sends Out via MIDI is primarily designed to represent the data needed, if captured and played back, to trigger the exact thing that you you performed on the MODX. It just so happens that the MODX allows up to eight internal Parts to be played, simultaneously... This is made possible by linking Parts with KBD CTRL (Keyboard Control)... there are eight simultaneous Arpeggiators available meaning: some of the Parts are receiving unique MIDI note-on messages.

You can begin to understand that if you are playing a multiple Part Performance where drums, bass, and rhythm guitar are playing under arp control, while you have an acoustic piano layered with a String pad that morphs into a Brass pad across the keyboard when the Super Knob is moved... trying to record all of that as editable MIDI data would require multiple streams of MIDI data. Naturally. You want and need to keep the data discreet when recording to a DAW — Each Part has its own MIDI Channel.

The KBD CTRL icon found on Parts 1-8 (is green when active) indicates when the MODX keyboard is transmitting Out on that corresponding MIDI Channel. You are seeing four notes in the DAW because you are playing an internal program with four KBD CTRL Parts 1-4, active. When MODX Parts are linked by this KBD CTRL icon, they are treated as a group — you are in communication with them as a multi-Part group. Any Part slots that do not have KBD CTRL active, will only sound if you *select* them directly.

LOGIC sees four MIDI events and is merging them to whatever channel you have that MIDI Track assigned to ...

Because you want to use the MODX as a controller (presumably to control something other than the MODX itself), which most likely is not looking for four separate channels of data... you want to set the MODX to transmit on just one MIDI Channel at a time. Here’s how:

From the [PERFORMANCE (HOME)] screen
Tap “FX” on the very top line of the screen
This takes you to the “Effect Switch“ screen... here is where the global bypass functions live.

Find and set “KBD CTRL LOCK” = On

Kbd Ctrl Lock (Keyboard Control Lock)
Determines whether Keyboard Control Lock is active or not. When this is set to ON, the Keyboard Control is turned on only for Part 1 and OFF for the other Parts.
When this is set to OFF, Keyboard Control settings for all Parts are returned to the original status.
Settings: Off, On
NOTE: When you use the MODX as a 16-part multi-timbral sound module with DAW software, the Keyboard Control Lock function is useful for creating or editing MIDI tracks one by one.

This allows you to transmit one channel at a time... you will be transmitting on the Channel corresponding to the Part’s number.
Typically, however, when working with a DAW and using the MODX as a controller, you would set Local Control = Off
[UTILITY] > “Settings” > “MIDI I/O” > Local Control = Off

This, literally, disconnects the MODX keyboard from triggering the (local) MODX tone generator. MIDI messages are sent to your DAWs MIDI Track where you determine *where* they go, and on what channel they go out on... By setting KBD CTRL LOCK = On, you ensure that the MODX, as a controller, will transmit on just a single channel at a time. When you *select* a Part slot in the MODX, only that slot is actively transmitting.

Hope that helps.

Extra Credit:
To defeat KBD CTRL LOCK simply touch any grey KBD CTRL icon to activate that Part (a drop down will appear briefly telling you that you have disabled the function).

Posted : 06/06/2020 8:08 am

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