I want to create a script in Cubase for MIDI Remote from my MODX. Cubase is set as per the MODX OS V2.5 DAW REMOTE MODE article in Yamaha's Music Production Guide 05/2020 - see attached screenshots. The MODX is set to 'MIDI Rec on DAW' and Remote: Plugin screen. I created a MIDI controller surface and named it MODX then opened the Mapping Assistant. But nothing happens when I move a control on the MODX. Bear in mind that if I open a VST plugin and start MIDI Learn, a MODX control changes a control on the plugin, so it seems to be connected correctly.
What have I missed?
(It appears I can attach only one screenshot, so I'll add the other in a reply.)
Solved (I think): I need to be on the MODX Remote 'Track' screen not the 'Plugin' screen.