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MODX and custom (AWM) samples

7 Posts
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It's been a year with my MODX7, and it has been the absolutely best synth purchase I have made in a while. After exploring all the on-board performances, and the add-on libraries (Bosendorfer, Cool Webinars, Motif XF etc), I am looking at creating my own. I was wondering if there are some guides on created a new AWM part using custom samples? I already know how to import custom samples, of course. But I was wondering if there are any guidelines best practices? I'm sure it's not just getting a WAV file sample at C3? Are there any learning articles that cover the creation of a new AWM performance from scratch using your own samples?

Posted : 29/12/2021 1:43 am
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member

Posted : 29/12/2021 3:01 am
Posts: 38
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Thanks Jason. I have gone through Cuckoo's video and it was very helpful. However when I tried to do it, my custom part now has no touch response at all. I am probably missing something, but are the 8 elements supposed to be used for velocity layers? That does not sound right, so I'm not sure what I did wrong.

Posted : 04/01/2022 12:48 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Velocity in the AWM2 engine can be applied on a per Element basis… the following tutorial article will go over how this works using Single Part, single Element Performances… just realize each Element can be set individually as to how it responds to Velocity… then on the Performance Common level of the architecture you can offset the entire Part’s response to Velocity.

Extra Credit:
Link — Velocity Sensitivity
Although written for the MONTAGE it applies to the MODX, as well.

Posted : 04/01/2022 1:03 am
Posts: 38
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Just as I started reading the article, I already found the problem!!

When "Level/Velocity" = +0, the Element will not respond to Velocity at all, but output will be fixed at the Element's LEVEL setting (127)

This is what I see in my custom part/patch. I will now read the article in detail to get more insights and apply this.

Posted : 04/01/2022 2:31 am
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member

The level/velocity is set to 0 with the initialized AWM2 Performance - which is often a time to stumble if that's how you began building.

Posted : 04/01/2022 3:00 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The level/velocity is set to 0 with the initialized AWM2 Performance - which is often a time to stumble if that's how you began building.

When an initialized (Normal) AWM2 or initialized (Normal) FM-X Part is selected… the Oscillators are mimicking what is commonly called an “organ envelope”. Almost immediate Attack, no Initial Decay so it remains, sustains, at full volume until…key Release which is almost immediate. And no matter how soft or hard you strike the key, there is no change in the output level — it remains the same for all triggered notes.

The Level Velocity Sensitivity (Level/Vel) defaults to +0… the “+” indicates you are able to alter the original value in either direction. This should not be a stumbling point, rather it represents the fundamental ‘starting point’. (This and the default Equal Temperament selection are among the defaults made for the user based on typical use case when building your own data).

The organ also happens to be the very first keyboard so its envelope stands as a logical starting point for building musical instrument tones. Since each tone source, be it AWM2 (sample based) Element or an FM-X Operator, you can bias it’s sensitivity to KeyOn Velocity.

Posted : 04/01/2022 11:22 am

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