I'm trying to input notes into Sibelius score with my MODX and it writes double unison notes when I play single notes. A 3 note cord is written as a 6 note chord where each note has a unison double. I probably have to turn off something in the MODX so that Sibelius only writes its own sounds, but I don't know how to do that. Someone on a Sibelius forum said they had to turn off the Layer button on their keyboard and that fixed it for them. I used CFX Concert, so that should be an unlayered single instrument.
Someone else said: "You are using a MIDI keyboard. It is configured to do "MIDI-thru", that is, reflect back to Sibelius everything that Sibelius sends to the keyboard, thus re-entering the note a second time. Re-configure your MIDI keyboard not to do that."
OK, So how do I do that? Perhaps I just need to tell MODX to turn off sounds so that it only transmits impulses to Sibelius. I don't know how to do that.
Please help
Unless you tell it not to, the MODX will transmit on multiple MIDI channels; one for each active KBD CTRL-linked Parts.
If you would like your MODX to send a single stream of MIDI events (on just one Channel)…
Press [UTILITY] > “Settings” > “Advanced” > set the “MIDI I/O Mode” = Single.
Select the MIDI Channel on which the MODX keyboard will transmit, and the tone generator will receive.
Pressing the buttons: [Shift + Utility] brings up the MIDI settings.
Bottom row of the screen, press the onscreen button "1" that's labelled: "MIDI Rec on DAW" or somesuch.
This turns off the "mirroring" of sends.
WARNING. this setting hangs around, until you turn off the keyboard. So even though after you unplug your computer/DAW and go back to this setting wherein it will show you the first slot is selected, for default behaviour, this has not happened. You still have to click that first bottom onscreen button to revert to local control.
That did it. Thank you both!