Trying to figure out how I go about setting up my MODX in Reaper.
It's all as clear as mud to me based on using other audio interfaces.
My goal is pretty simple but maybe it is more difficult or impossible to do as I want to do.
Goal is to be able to record performances live in Reaper with me playing the keys and singing and "listen" to the performance via the MODX headphone outs while recording....the caveat being that I use a TC helicon vocal harmonizer that needs the midi from the MODX to make the right harmonies... I am running the TC helicon into the A/D input...At one point I was able to have the modx play and the vocal come through but the keys and the vocals were all on the same track could not get signal beyond a single stereo in to reaper. Installed latest drivers restarted and now I can't get the audio to get to reaper without sending the midi to it...meaning the TC Helicon can't get it's midi signal...Confused and if someone can shed some light on the 4 in / 10 out interface or can point me to a manual on it it'd be appreciated. When in reaper I can see the USB channels in set up but they are all greyed out I can't assign...
I have a Montage, but it should be basically the same.
First make sure in Reaper your input range includes the other channels:
To split your recording into multiple tracks, you should now be able to create the tracks and use the individual USB channel (like USB 1+USB 2):
Then on the MODX you just need to plumb it up. For the parts in your performance, open Part Settings -> General and change Part Output to the be corresponding channel pair for desired track. For the A/D input, at the Common level of the performance go to Audio In -> Mixing and change the Output Select of the A/D in section. (Disclaimer: I haven't used the A/D in yet myself). With that done, you should now be able to arm the tracks in Reaper and record. If you have Direct Monitor on the MODX turned on (Utility page -> Settings -> Audio I/O), disable Record Monitoring on the tracks so you don't get an echo (or alternatively turn off Direct Monitor).
Does the above work for you at least?
If you want to record the midi so you could overdub the vocal and have the harmonizer following that then send the midi
to your DAW using the USB and set it up so the DAW sends the midi track out to the USB bus 3 which will then appear
coming from the MODX midi out. It is set up so that the MODX can function like it is an integrated keyboard AND an interface.
Go to Utility and press Quick Setup to see the routing.
I should have noted that I am trying to accomplish this on an iMac still no luck at getting 4 yet alone 10 tracks of usb audio into reaper...The option in reaper is there for stereo usb 1/2 and 3/4 and then the 10 mono options if I click on usb 1/2 or 3/4 I am getting both the MODX sounds and the microphone on both channe
Check your audio routing in the Utility -> Quick Setup
Are you using the Yamaha-Steinberg USB driver in your uMAC?
Check your audio routing in the Utility -> Quick Setup
Are you using the Yamaha-Steinberg USB driver in your iMAC?
Yes have installed the latest steinberg drivers just can't get reaper to receive audio from anything but 3/4 usb right now ...Both internal audio and external audio coming in via the MODX A/d input all coming out in a single stereo pair not 4 individual channels
You are using the master effects for your vocals as I understand it. The master effects go out the one USB stereo bus
so you need to send the internal audio to a different USB bus and this is set in Edit -> go to the Part you are using internally
-> Part Settings -> General and over on the right change "Part Output" to a different USB bus.