Bad Mister, thank you for explanation. Very useful to me.
Yes, EQ was in quotation marks because cutoff and resonance are not the same as EQ. Broadly (and loosely defined) speaking - they can be lumped as different mechanisms of filters. It wasn't what Alexander was asking for - but the closest available CC to it. Along with the same suggestion to use superknob as one mechanism to get at what he was really after, albeit indirectly. In addition to superknob - assignable knobs also have CCs. Like superknob, there is a "default" for these CC assignments and the user is free to change these. Sticking with the "defaults" - if you send a value for CC #17 (decimal) to MIDI channel 1 - then this will move PART 1's (due to Channel 1) Assignable Knob #1 (CC dec 17=assign 1, by "default", and 18 for assign 2 ... and so on sequentially through CC 24 for assign 8). Similar to superknob, the PART-level assignable knobs can target parameters. PART-level assignable knobs are restricted to the parameters that belong to a PART - which includes the PART EQ. Not Master EQ.
There's more that can be done than this - I wasn't going to map out everything. Just opening up the possibility for more than just superknob as a way to possibly indirectly CC control different parameters. At the Common/Audio level (where the master and system effects can be accessed) - these "global" assignable knobs cannot be CC controlled. So this is why superknob is recommended. It would be nice if other controllers were available at the Common/Audio level so that things like mod wheel and such could also participate in the offsetting of this level of parameters. I feel an ideascale suggestion coming.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Hi Jason. Thank you for detailed explanation. I'll keep it in my mind.