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MODX6 Reboots itself when accessing any USB Drive

3 Posts
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For some reason whenever I try and load a sample wav file from the USB Drive the MODX6 restarts itself and then keeps restarting until I remove the USB drive from the slot then it loads fine again.  It's not all the time this happens, but I would say the first time I try to access the USB it will restart, if I then try again the same operation it might be successful again.  I've tried with both USB drives I've formatted using the modx6 or drives that I formatted on my PC,

Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem or seen this before?

Posted : 26/07/2024 12:35 pm
Posts: 227
Reputable Member

Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem or seen this before?

I've never heard of that issue with a USB drive before.

Are you 'hot swapping' the USB drive when this happens? I have had times where the instrument (or a PC) doesn't recognize the drive if you plug it in when the machine is already powered up.

That shouldn't happen - just throwing it out there.

If you aren't using the latest OS version 2.52? If not you might consider updating the OS and seeing if that makes a difference.

Sorry I don't have more to offer.

Posted : 26/07/2024 4:49 pm
Posts: 8128
Illustrious Member

You may also want to document the USB device (model/manufacturer).  And beyond that, I don't know if there's software that gets a more positive ID on the memory controller used inside the stick/type of memory/etc.  But in the land of counterfeit devices it would somehow be important to know it's legit.  I usually rule this out as much as I can by purchasing from box stores I trust -- but I guess any supplier could be fooled.  Storage devices I try to stay away from Amazon although I admit I haven't kept up if they've improved their track record in the past year or so.


Less important is the legit part of this.  More important to get the model number/manufacturer documented in case others (ideally Yamaha) wants to try to duplicate.


This restart business seems like an over current condition (which shouldn't happen with "thumb" drives aka "sticks" ).  A hard disk could do this since it pulls more current.  Usually there's a simple over current detector on USB ports to gracefully limit over current without "crowbarring" and taking down all of the power rails.


Anyhow at this point I'm most interested in what exactly is being plugged into Montage's port.  And if it's more than one thing (unpowered hub, multiple devices) then all of that would be of interest too.

Posted : 26/07/2024 5:44 pm

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