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Motion Sequence Triggering?

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My next phase of learning will be Motion Sequencing, and I am just starting.

I randomly chose Preset "Chillomatik" to learn from.

If I "Audition" the Performance, I can see it switching through Scenes... changing the Arps. I tried to see if Scenes were somehow changing or triggering Motion Sequences, but drew a blank.

In the "Audition" I can see and hear it Motion Sequencing... I see the Red LEDs on the Superknob flickering around.

If I try to play it by hand, no matter what I do I can't get the MS to kick in or trigger.

I tried it on every Scene... nothing.

I dove into the various Edit screens (Home, Common, Part etc) and although I could see the 16 Step Sequence Curves, I still couldn't figure out how to "switch it on".

I tried the Top Panel MS buttons.... nothing.

Did some digging around in the Manuals also.

What am I missing?

Posted : 28/01/2022 2:21 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member

I tried it on every Scene... nothing.

I dove into the various Edit screens (Home, Common, Part etc) and although I could see the 16 Step Sequence Curves, I still couldn't figure out how to "switch it on".

I tried the Top Panel MS buttons.... nothing.

Did some digging around in the Manuals also.

What am I missing?

The SuperKnob has its own MotionSequence, completely separate from the rest.
It's in Performance Home > Motion Control > Knob Auto
Interestingly enough, it is turned off (the SuperKnob MS button is off in that Performance), but in the Audition phrase it is indeed ON.
You can also turn it on from the tab above Knob Auto, the one named Super Knob: same switch "Super Knob MS".

A good quickstart:

Posted : 28/01/2022 2:49 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

My next phase of learning will be Motion Sequencing, and I am just starting.

I randomly chose Preset "Chillomatik" to learn from.

If I "Audition" the Performance, I can see it switching through Scenes... changing the Arps. I tried to see if Scenes were somehow changing or triggering Motion Sequences, but drew a blank.

In the "Audition" I can see and hear it Motion Sequencing... I see the Red LEDs on the Superknob flickering around.

If I try to play it by hand, no matter what I do I can't get the MS to kick in or trigger.

I tried it on every Scene... nothing.

I dove into the various Edit screens (Home, Common, Part etc) and although I could see the 16 Step Sequence Curves, I still couldn't figure out how to "switch it on".

I tried the Top Panel MS buttons.... nothing.

Did some digging around in the Manuals also.

What am I missing?

Thanks for the question.

Only the dedicated Super Knob Motion Sequencer will move the LEDs surrounding the Super Knob (showing the value of its parameters). The AUDITION Phrase is a MIDI file - a real time recording of the performer. The [SCENE] buttons are manually changed by the performer and the smooth Super Knob movement is the result of an FC7 Pedal plugged into Foot Ctrl 2. You can also, of course, preset the Super Knob start position per Scene. There is no Super "Knob Auto" Motion Sequence in this Performance.

How to Explore Motion Sequences
From the "Chillomatik" HOME screen tap "Motion Control" > "Motion Seq"
Here you can see an overview of the Performance -- 16 Parts + the (upper) Common/Audio.

While the PART SW (Part Switches) are ON for all 16 Parts and the Common, much like Single Parts with ARPs - they default to ON because no harm is done unless the Master Arp Switch is ON. If you don't want a Voice to Arp you can Opt Out. If you don't want a Part to Motion Sequence it is easier to Opt Out.

Notice the LANE boxes. Each item has access to the 4 LANEs. You must select which Parts are going to get data via one of these LANEs

A maximum of 8 boxes can appear on the LANE grid... you can see that 4 of 8 are in use.
PART 1 is set to follow LANE 1
PART 2 is set to follow LANEs 1, 2 and 3

We'll come back to what these LANEs are set to do and how you are already hearing them in a moment...
If you explore the "Motion Control" > "Knob Auto" screen option - this is the independent Motion Sequence that is dedicated to moving the Super Knob. As you can imagine this is quite powerful because the Super Knob can move the 8 Common Assign Knobs each of which can be moving multiple Destinations within the 16 Parts. As you become more familiar with creating and editing Motion Sequences you will see this (Super) "Knob Auto" tab as the same construction but a different approach to how you would use it.

Back to the PART Motion Sequences in "Chillomatik"

To best illustrate what the MSeq is doing to this particular Performance - let's look at PART 2... the one with three Lanes of activity.
On the HOME screen you can see the green "MS On" box indicating that both Parts 1 and 2 are set to follow Motion Sequences.

SOLO Part 2 - it is a synth sweep type sound with a slow attack and lots of movement... (a clue that Motion Sequences may be happening)
To see what they are assigned to we can go to the CONTROL ASSIGN screen for the PART in question.

So say we are looking at the [HOME] > "Motion Control" > "Motion Seq" overview screen.
Press [EDIT] > Select Part 2
You should arrive in PART 2 Edit looking at the Motion Sequencer ("Common" or "Lane" tabs)
Same as if you had navigated here by pressing [EDIT], Selecting Part 2, and tapped "Motion Seq" > "Lane"

You can see the four possible LANEs, and three of them are in use.
You can select each - in turn, using the BLUE screen button.

What they are controlling can be found by tapping the "Mod/Control" > "Control Assign" options
Set the "Display Filter" to view "Motion Seq Lane 1", "Motion Seq Lane 2", and "Motion Seq Lane 3"
Cutoff, Pitch and Pan

Pitch -- Ratio = +2


If you are having trouble hearing exactly what movement they are providing - move the cursor over to the RATIO box and change the value.
Changing the RATIO value while you are interacting with playing the keyboard will let you exaggerate what often is very subtle movement -- remember one of the drawbacks about digital samples is they often just go static, lack of movement - the change in timber (Cutoff) is not huge in this case but very subtle. So too with PITCH (Ratio = +2) you will get a seasick feeling if you increase this too much. Try it - hear what it does...
Try changing the Ratio of LANE 3 (Destination = Pan) to move the sweep sound from side to side.
Most of the PART MSeq are just heard...they can be used to do very big things but also subtle movement in parameters is just what is neeed.

What about the Super KNOB AUTO feature...
Motion Sequences are seen when you are using the dedicated Super Knob Automation function - it not only is moving the LEDs around the Super Knob but all linked Common Assign Knobs and all Part Assign Knobs that have been linked to Common Assign Knobs that are linked to the Super Knob. Seriously, no kidding... That is what can be happening.

Once you learn to setup and edit a Motion Sequence for a PART... the Super Knob Auto works the same in the construction.

Posted : 28/01/2022 3:35 pm
Posts: 745
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Topic starter

Thanks BM.

If I understand correctly...

- the SuperKnob movement is actually recorded FC7 MIDI data in the Audition "Track".

- The MS is in play, but somewhat more subtle... I can hear it though. I am wondering where, when, how are the actual MS Lanes being triggered On/Off, because if I play it Manually, regardless of Scene, I don't get those sounds. I did flick through the Scene buttons to see if any MS buttons are switching ON/OFF, I didn't see anything... or I am looking in the wrong place.

Posted : 28/01/2022 11:41 pm
Posts: 1715
Noble Member

I don’t get email notifications from this forum, but presume you do, as the OP, and based on your reply habits.

Deleted prior post as it contained info given to me by someone in Japan I’ve known for decades. Whilst it wasn’t told to me in confidence, I don’t think it’s general info. Hopefully you got the message in your inbox and it provided some insight into why arp making is so horrendous on the device, and why Auditions seem to have super powers.

Posted : 29/01/2022 4:04 am
Posts: 745
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@BM.... sorry. I've figured it out, your advice is correct.

The reason I was not detecting any MS was due to the shape of various Envelopes on Part 2, and that the Superknob was down at minimum (very low cutoff).

So, answering my own question, they are not triggered, they are always On. Its just that you can't notice them without other factors also in play... Open Filter (Superknob) mainly, but also allowing time for the AEG and FEG to Rise (slow Attack), by holding the keys down.

@ Andrew... I didn't see your deleted post, and I don't get email notifications. So whatever you wrote is safe.

Posted : 29/01/2022 5:21 am
Posts: 745
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Just another observation... whoever creates these Factory Presets are seriously skilled and clued up guys.

I would never have dreamed of utilising the Synth in the way the Chillomatic Preset works.

Some highlights that made me laugh in wonderment...

1) Part 1 FM-X... creation of multiple "Free" Pitch and Filter (Timbre) LFOs by setting Detunes and Level/Vel between Modulators and Carriers.

2) Part 1 FM-X combining item 1 with a really slow moving Phaser in the Insert Effects

3) Part 2 - creation of a Pulsing Tremolo Effect by using Unipolar MS Saw Wave curves on Pan (Pan Right/Centre is in effect a brief Mute).

4) Part 2, - using MS on Cutoff, pulsing Cutoff slightly above the inaudible Cutoff set by the FEG... another Tremolo/Slicing effect.

5) Part 2 - Using MS on Pitch - very slight pitch variations, pulsing along with Cutoff and Pan (see above), plus cross delay to create the impression of "dozens" of violins spread around 360° in the audible space, individually and briefly "chipping in". (Reminds me of being at a Military Firing Range... the gunshots seem to be emanating from all around you)

Mind Blowing!! 😀

Posted : 29/01/2022 5:46 am

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