Hello folks
I don't come along with the shortcuts in above mentioned names. All I understand is (l)eft, (r)ight and (st)ereo. I don't understand mn, of or whatever.
The same with arpeggios. I cannot imagine, how to find a fitting arpeggio by those given categories or names. Makes no sense to me. Perhaps the names make some kind of sense. There is no way to recognize a fundamental rhythm-pattern ... 4/4, 3/4 or in names march, rumba etc.. As an avarage person I don't get anything there.
Is there a reasonable nomenclature at all? And are there lists available, where the nomenclature is explained? In simple words: by which systematics are the names created?
I don't speak of this data-list. There is no explanation of "mn-" or whatever. Nomenclature!