I would like to learn more about the different arpeggios provided. At the moment I have recorded some of them to understand the phrases, timing, velocities.
For me it is easier to see the notes and also be capable to play without the arpeggio feature.
However, I would like to learn if this hasn't already been done.
Any suggestions?
There is no simple solution that I'm aware of.
I would like to learn more about the different arpeggios provided.
Trust me when I say you are NOT alone. With over 10k arp presets more documentation is needed. Unfortunately, despite repeated requests very little has been forthcoming.
However, I would like to learn if this hasn't already been done.
Sorry to say but I don't know of any such effort.
I'm sure you know but for others who don't the reference doc has limited info on pages 10/11 of the arp categories, sub categories and a few of the abbreviations used in the arp names. Page 12 also shows some of the attribute info you will find in the Data List. That info includes: time signature, original tempo, accent, Random SFX.
That info can help some. There are also some old threads around where Bad Mister, and others, provide some additional info about the arp names
At the moment I have recorded some of them to understand the phrases, timing, velocities.
For me it is easier to see the notes and also be capable to play without the arpeggio feature.
You found one of the best ways to get info, particularly about the timing and velocities. Many of the arps use velocity zoning and there isn't any direct way to know just how they are zoned. And if you don't know what the velocity trigger ranges are you can't trigger that part of the arp properly - and if you can't trigger it you won't have anything to record!
And one CAVEAT: some preset arps were created using proprietary software and have functionality that we mere 'users' can't create on our own.
Catch 22!
There is often MUCH BETTER information and articles for the older instruments. These two articles are examples of that.
This article is pretty good for explaining what velocity zoned arps are.
And this one has some good info for recording these
Those were written for the MOX/MOXF but virtually all of the arp-related info still applies to even the latest Modx+ and Montage M models.
My Montage M8X contains the 'Festival Of Harmony' performance referenced in the first link. The element settings are mostly identical to what is in that article.
It is the data in the associated arpeggio pattern that must send a note-on value between 112 and 119 to make Element 1 sound. A note-on event between 120 and 127 will make Element 2 sound. Repeat our experiment while soloing Element 2… then with Element 3 and finally Element 4. Use buttons [2], [3] and [4] to select and view those ELEMENTS, in turn.
If you play a note harder than 112, (ARP ON/OF = OFF) Elements 3 and 4 will not sound at all.
So Sherlock Holmes would conclude: Therefore, my dear Watson, the notes generated by the arpeggio pattern are in excess of velocity 112! And we can conclude that note-on velocity is a critical parameter.
He discusses the arp 'Velocity Limit' parameter right after that section.
The 'Traumzeit' performance referenced in the second link about recording arps is also on my M8X. So even though those articles predate your Modx and my M8X there is a wealth of info in them that still applies and that can't be found anywhere else.
Hope the above helps.
There are some clues in the suffix or prefix of the Arpeggio Titles.
There used to be a "guide" floating around on Yamaha Synth, but after all the hacking, trolling, and AI spamming, and thereafter a forced forum rebuild, a lot of stuff "fell off".
The Arpeggios don't "function" like the old/traditional Synth Arps... they are in fact a gazillion times more powerful. They (can) behave more like MIDI Sequencers.
However, there are still clues in the titles, tipping a hat to the "classic" nomenclatures like "Down", "Up", "Down/Up", "Up/Down", +1Oct, +2oct ... etc.
And remember, only a small portion of the available Arpeggios are "Classic". Many are way more complex and interesting, and worth listening to and experimenting with when you have spare few hours.