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Part copy operation does not copy assign knobs?

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I am the proud owner of a brand new MODX 61 and I have studied the past few days the mastering MODX Article series.

Now I want to create my own performances. I have tried to copy - or merge, I still don't fully understand the difference - a part from Bad Misters Favorites (part 1, piano). When i copy his piano, with all "Param. with part" on green, I get the part allright but without the 8 assign knobs. Either I am doing something wrong, or those settings are not stored with the part?

Posted : 03/11/2019 11:06 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Copy is a function within a Performance that allows you take the data in one Part and duplicate it in another Part within the Performance. This is done in a situation where you want a second instance of a sound in the same Performance. For example, if you build an FM-X synth pad, and wish to create a pseudo-stereo sound where you Pan one instance left and you Pan the other instance to the right. COPY takes place specifically by pressing [SHIFT] + [EDIT] while you have a Part *selected*. You can select to COPY the current Part or EXCHANGE the current Part within the current Performance.

Merge is a function where you are specifically adding a Performance to an existing Performance. MERGE is initiated on the HOME screen by touching a “+” symbol indicating adding (or merging) a new program to the existing program. This is a Category Search function — the upper left of the screen specifically reads “Performance Merge”

You are actually doing neither of these operations. I know this because if you see “Param with Part” as an option this means you are within a Performance and are replacing an existing Part with the Part 1 piano from the Performance “Favorites”.

Only when you searching to replace an existing Part will the “Parameters with Part” items appear. This means in the upper left corner of your screen you see “Part x Category Search” — where ‘x’ is the Part you are looking to replace.

You will want to set the “Source” = Part 1, and in the Main search area highlight the Performance named “Favorites”
This will allow you to go and get just the Piano in Part 1 of that Performance.

As to the ASSIGN KNOBS...
When you use this method to go and get a Part from an existing Performance you can decide to bring along parameters from the previous location, or you can have the Part inherit the settings you already have set for the Part you are replacing.

MIXING - These are things like Volume, panning, EQ, etc.etc.
ARP/MS - These include the assigned Arpeggio and Motion Sequences, if any
SCENE - These include the various offsets from the snapshot memories
ZONE - These are the functions set to go Out via MIDI

If you want to copy these settings from the Performance, mark the option green. If you don’t... then unmark them. Example... say you are replacing the acoustic piano in a piano/bass split Performance... this would mean you already have the NOTE LIMIT range setup for the left hand/right hand regions. You simply want to replace the right hand... this is when you would opt out on the “Param with Part” options because you want the piano to inherit the settings already in place.

If you did not, the piano would arrive in its new Home playing across the entire Keyboard as it did in its former Home.

Now to your question. The 8 Part Assign Knobs are most certainly copied if you have the MIXING option green (active).
Perhaps you are mixing up the Common Assign Knobs, with the Part Assign Knobs.

There is a big difference between these two sets of Knobs. The COMMON Assign Knobs are the 8 Knobs that can link to the Super Knob. They move with the Super Knob, by default. They belong to the entire Performance, as they can address all 16 Parts of a Performance.

Each of the 16 Parts of a Performance has its own set of eight PART Assign Knobs. These control functions with that specific Part. They are only for that one Part alone.

The Part Assign Knobs are copied and are automatically brought to the new HOME... as are the INSERTION EFFECTS. They are considered to belong to the Part alone.
The Common Assign Knobs are NOT, they are held in reserve. The new Performance Home has its own set of COMMON assignments.
If you would like to add the Common Assign Knob assignments to this new Performance you must manually activate them. Also not brought along are any Common Effects (Reverb, Variation, Master Effect, Master EQ) - the new Performance HOME has its own

What assignment do you feel you are missing.

Extra Credit
Until you see this, it can be a hurdle. Once you see it, it is an important moment in understanding the Knobs.

Press the HOME screen button repeatedly. This action will toggle the HOME screen back and forth between its two views. Select the one that allows you to see the Assign Knob icons. Notice to the left of them it reads “Common Assign”
Now *select* PART 1
Notice the Knobs now function as “Part 1 Assign” Knobs.

The Part Assign Knobs are apart of the Part.
The Common Assign Knobs are shared by all components of the Performance.

Posted : 03/11/2019 12:28 pm
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Thanks.I think I understand what you are saying. Tried it again in a new init performance and it worked.
Then I went to the first performance tob also try it there: no luck. Puzzled!
Finally I discovered it did in fact copy all the part assign knobs, bud I had the tone/eg/eq/arp button selected, so I was looking at the top row: cutoff, resonance etc. Beginners error:(.

I noticed there are a few ways to get another part:
1. in Perf home, press a part and select category search left: I then get the Part 1 category search with the green Parameter selectors
2. in Perf home press a partt, then press the physical category search button: I then get Performance Category Search
3. in Perf home, with a part already in 1 and a part in 3, pressing the plus in 2 gives Part 2 - Catagory search. Pressing the plus after 3, say 4, gives the Part 4 - Performance Merge.

Then, to make shure I understand parts:
A part is always in a performance, you cannot store a part separedly. You can create a part (init) in a performance, then you can also give a name to that part. By saving the preformance you also save the part, with that new name. But in another performance adding a part you cannot search for that name, right?

Posted : 03/11/2019 1:39 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

You are getting the hang of this, perfectly.

There are indeed three different “Searches” - each has a specific use. At first because they look similar, you don’t appreciate the difference. You have stated this properly. Replace the entire Performance, replace a specific Part in an existing Performance, and adding (merging) a Performance to an existing Performance.
Performance Category Search — Part Category Search — Performance Merge.

Clarity on one point, however...

“ A part is always in a performance, you cannot store a part separedly.”

Not quite. Better said: A Part is always in a Performance, if you want to Store a Part separately, you must Store it as a Single Part Performance.
Or, only Parts that are stored as Single Part programs are searchable by the Main and Sub Category listing method. They are only searchable by the knowing which Part number in which specific Performance they exist.

Extra Credit
Often you are assembling instrument programs into a Performance for sequencing purposes. In such a scenario, you may grab an instrument and completely customize it for use in this context. Say it’s a special electric guitar setup using specific Insert Effects, EQ, etc., etc. you could name that Part so that it includes the specific Song you were sequencing, “Jump - Lead Gtr”.

if it is in Part 12 it will not show up when weeks from now you just search Main = Guitars, Sub = Electric, but if you remember it was the lead guitar sound you created for your sequence of “Jump”, then you can do a *Performance Category Search* for your Jump Performance, and then remind yourself of its Part number. Then when you want to go get it you set Part = 12 from that Jump Performance.

Only if you additionally Save that specially edited electric guitar as a Single Part Performance (where it is in Part 1 and ‘anchors’ a Performance, will you be able to tag it with “Main” and “Sub” Category designations. Doing so will mean when searching it will be designated with the Attributes “Single” and it will appear green on the list.

Green/Blue Listings
As you work more with the instrument you begin to appreciate that not all Performance Parts are fully playable when selected alone. For example, in a situation where you are looking for a Single Part acoustic piano, you don’t want just Part 1 of the “CFX Concert” (blue). If you select just Part 1, it does not play at all velocities in all key ranges... CFX Concert is a four Part Performance, so a single Part from this program is only a building block. It only makes complete sense when grouped with its Parts 2, 3 and 4.

However, you can search for a Single Part acoustic piano, by simply looking at the ones that are listed in green or by setting the Attribute = Single. These are instruments that will sound as complete instruments when used alone. If you deem one of your ‘within-the-Performance’ Parts is worthy of having access to generally, simply create a Single Part version of it.

When exploring Factory Performances, study the individual Parts... you may find some absolute gems within the individual Performance Parts. Sometimes Drum Kits have been tweaked specifically for whatever the programmer was cooking up. They may have started from a Single Part Preset, but may have been edited radically to suit a purpose.

Hope that helps.

Posted : 03/11/2019 2:12 pm
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I understand, thanks.

Posted : 03/11/2019 2:21 pm

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