Hello Everyone, In advance, thank you very much for your help.
I have a MODX8+ and am working with Logic Pro as my DAW. I have been having issues with MODX Connect not showing up as being Online. Today, I went into Midi Studio in my Mac, and I see the MDOX showing up as being "Online", but when I click on the Down arrow and select "Connected", it does not show up. Is this why my MODX Connect is not showing up as online?
Is this OK for the MODX8+ to show up this way without it being listed as being "Connected"?
And Any help to get my MODX Connect online would be appreciated.
Thank you
What's your OS version?
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Beyond that, check to see you have the latest of everything. Latest MODX firmware update. Latest MODX+ Connect version (very recently MODX+ connect received an update that supports later OS versions and also works with Apple Silicon).
If you have Apple Silicon certainly ensure you have the new November connect update.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Solution ...
Solution ...
Solution ...
In order to see if the above problem was a usb chord issue or my mac issue, I used a different Mac and uploaded everything to see if it worked. In doing so, I was asked if I wanted to allow privacy permissions on the 2nd mac. When doing so, MODX Connect worked. So I had to find where these privacy settings were found in my 1st Mac. I found them in System Settings, under Privacy and Security. At the bottom of this page under "Security", a button that says to allow App Store and Identified Devleopers to have those applications downloaded. I clicked that, and now it works.Last edited by level devil; Yesterday, 16:12:PM.
Thanks for sharing your solution! I’ve run into similar issues before where privacy settings can block apps from functioning properly. It’s good to know that it was just a permissions issue on your first Mac. I’ll definitely keep this in mind if I face any similar problems. Glad everything is working now!
Ich hatte das gleiche Problem mit meinen Mcbook air M2.
Die Eistellungen im MCBook konnte ich nicht finden.Oder sie gibt es nicht.
Habe dann im abgesicherten Modus nachgeschaut und konnte es dort ändern bzw. zulassen.
Habe dann zusätzlich die Steinberg Treiber 3.17 nochmal deinstalliert und neu aufgespielt.
Modx Connect die neueste Version auch nochmal aufgespielt und dann hat alles funktioniert
Ich habe Monatelang nach einer Lösung gesucht und nichts hat mir geholfen,bis ich dann auf
diesen Beitrag gestoßen bin.
Vielen Dank
Ich bin super Happy