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Selecting Preset Performance, Unable to Adjust Part Volume with Part Faders

6 Posts
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I've Google searched. Many posts on faders/sliders, but none, after many hours of reading, is addressing this problem specifically. Most posts I read are regarding not being able to assign sliders to different parameters, with same answer in every case... hard programmed to Part or Element/Operator volume/amplitude.

I want to use Preset Performance "Case 73 Soft". It is to be used for the Intro/solo part of Pink Floyd's Sheep. Barring a touch of delay and tremolo, this sound is right on the money. I am particularly impressed with the audible mechanical off clicks on the staccato notes.... I would like to keep them.

So I want to use it, not try to recreate it from scratch.

This is reproduceable.

From the start, Home screen, the PART sliders (Parts 1 & 2) do not adjust the Part volume. You will see the Grey Volume bars moving up and down, but the volume remains the same.

To adjust the volume with sliders, you must adjust the volumes of each Element individually (Element/Operator LED ON). There are 8 Elements per Part.

Part 1 is the Musical Sound
Part 2 is the Mechanical Sounds. Part 2 Volume can be adjusted with Ctrl Assign Knob 1 and/or the Super Knob (as programmed in the Preset Performance).

Part 1 Volume.... seems to require the adjustment of all 8 Element sliders simultaneously (not assignable). Or, the Part Volume can be assigned to an Assign Knob.

My guess is, I am missing a glaringly obvious setting. I have spent 4 hours since getting home from work trying to figure this out.

Please can the Yamaha hive mind assist. Thanks.

Posted : 04/01/2021 1:08 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member


I arrived at that thread by searching (Google): "case 73 soft"

... and the 2nd link returned was the above thread.

Posted : 04/01/2021 6:32 pm
Posts: 739
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J, Thanks again.

What I have learned from this is you can only see one controller at a time in part control screen.

I had seen the Part 2 Volume assign (on Assign knob 1) in Control page and removed it before writing my post.

What I saw on Part 1 page was Assign SW2, Dest1 LFO AMD, Dest2 InsA L/R Dpt. So I assumed, there was no Volume control assigned.

I didn't realise you had to click on Assign 1 (Assign2, 3 or whatever) and then "load" each Assign Controller name in the list to see if it has anything mapped to it.

So, as you stated correctly, after going through them I found Part 1 Volume was assigned to Assign Controller Knob 1. This still confuses me a bit because I thoughtI had already deleted Volume OFF Assign Knob 1, when I deleted it while editing Part 2.

Anyways, I am glad I know how to check all of them now.


Posted : 05/01/2021 10:17 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

What I have learned from this is you can only see one controller at a time in part control screen.

You can choose to view only one Controller or you can view all Controllers - there are 16 Control Sets per Part, and 16 Control Sets overall (Common) for the upper Performance level.

Display one Source Controller
Use the “Auto Select” option on the Control Assign screen (green is active). When this is active moving a Controller will recall all Destinations assigned to that Controller Source. Basically, the Controller you engage will appear listed on the “Display Filter”... and all of the parameter Destinations associated with that Control will be shown.

Display ALL Source Controllers
If you move your cursor to highlight the “Display Filter” you can use the Data Dial clockwise to move through each individual Control Source... at the end of the list is the “ALL” option. Four Source/Destination ControlSets can appear on a PAGE. There are 4 potential PAGES (that’s your 16 possible Control Sets per Part). The “Destinations” all are numbered to give you another clue...

One Source can control multiple Destinations.
A Destination (parameter) can have several Controllers.
This is because each assignment can be individual scaled to your particular purpose.

Posted : 05/01/2021 8:37 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

The linked thread also covered this here:

... I edited PART 1 and when to the "Mod/Control" -> "Control Assign" menu (from Common in the lower-left).

Then I pressed "Display Filter" and set it to "All" - so I could "see" all of the assignments.

Posted : 06/01/2021 3:58 am
Posts: 739
Prominent Member
Topic starter

This is all good. Thanks again for your responses.

I found the Display Filter (J) and the Data Dial trick on Display Filter (BM) work a treat. 😀

Posted : 06/01/2021 4:08 am

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