le prime volte che provavo a connettermi con soundmondo, funzionava normalmente; avevo scaricato qualche suono. Ma adesso sono mesi che non mi funziona più. Accedo da yamahasynt, il mio midi è su receive bulk on, ho google chrome... Cosa sara?
the first few times I tried to connect with soundmondo, it worked normally; I had downloaded some sound. But it hasn't worked for months now. I log in from yamahasynt, my midi is on receive bulk on, I have google chrome ... What will it be?
What operating system? If Windows, when you hover over the speaker in the lower-right - what does it say? Does it start with a number then a dash (like "2-" or "3-" )?
Soundmondo is fiddly and a number of things can trip it up:
1) In Windows, the driver
2) In any OS - the browser itself (security changes, misc changes keep "moving" every browser update - which is often, security settings required, etc)
3) Settings on the keyboard
4) Cables (happened to me on a Mac - was using a low-cost cable that retracts for connivence -- didn't work)
5) The operating system (I'm thinking moving targets w/updates coming from both Microsoft and Apple)
This is less of a defense and more of just an accounting of the various things that have impeded a good experience. It's not so easy. I've started using my iPad fairly exclusively for Soundmondo now that it's working (sometimes iOS has problems too). I didn't always have an iPad to do this, though.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R