ho accidentalmente sovrascritto una mai performance user su un altra user. Della vecchia mi è rimasto solo il titolo. Non posso recuperarla, vero?
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I have accidentally overwritten a never performance user on another user. Of the old one I have only the title left. Can't get it back, can I?
I am not sure exactly what you have done (not clear). Sorry.
But… when you first call up a Performance, the instrument copies the program into a “work” area, called the “Edit” buffer - it keeps the original exactly as it stored.
This allows you to do a type of comparison referred to as “A-B” or “Edit/Compare”. The purpose is so you can hear if all the work you are doing is actually making the program better or worse.
Say you are editing a Performance, then you hit the [EDIT] button a second time, it *flashes* to indicate the “Compare” function is now active. You are hearing the original Performance while you’re in “Compare” - you cannot make any changes while comparing - it simply allows you to hear where you started from.
Pressing [EDIT] again, you return to the live working area, the light goes steady, indicating you’re back in regular Edit mode.
The “Edit” buffer, and the “Compare” buffer are very useful for those who program.
The third type of buffer is called the “Recall” buffer.
If you were to move away, without storing your work.. the Edit buffer would be filled with a copy of the newly selected sound. And the sound you were editing (but did NOT store), moves to a special third buffer called the “Recall” buffer. This will have a version of the data you lasted edited but did not STORE. It is not completely lost. Even if you have already begun editing something new, the RECALL buffer holds on to the work you most recently discarded.
You were editing a Performance, then overwrote it with something else (and I’m guessing you did NOT give it a new name) (?)… if you have not powered down you should check the contents of the RECALL buffer. The RECALL buffer keeps the previous edit (the one you did store). Here’s how:
Tap the “Performance Name” box of the current Performance HOME screen.
A pop-in menu appears from the left side of the screen
Select “Recall”
This will bring back the previous edit — to the current “work area”
The buffers will work for you, as long as you have not powered down.
You should always enter a Performance Name when you are allowed - to differentiate it from the previous Performance.
Hope that helps.
grazie ancora per le risposte veloci e molto esaurienti!