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Syncing performances using arps of two MODX's

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I own a MODX6 and a MODX7, and based on a common state of user data I did a fork (related to performances, user arps). I know I should have known better but alas, sh*it happens. I can use MODX Connect to transfer the performances but this does not include the arps. Is there any way to copy user arps from one MODX to another MODX? Net wisdom to save my *ss would be much appreciated.

Posted : 11/09/2020 6:51 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Hi Michael,
Thanks for being a double MODX owner...

Is there any way to copy user arps from one MODX to another MODX?

Yes, you would accomplish this via USB stick, you’ll need to move the Performances that use the User Arps from one MODX to the other. So you are not just moving the Arps, you’ll actually be moving the Performances that use those Arps, as well.

For example, say you have created several new Arpeggios in your MODX6... and you want to add them to the data already in your MODX7. As you know if you simply SAVE a User File (.X8U) loading that to the MODX7 will overwrite all data in the User Bank... one User Bank file replaces all the data with the new User data... here’s how you get around this....

It is assumed that when you created the Arps that you have put them to use by assigning them to Parts of your User Performances. Make note of all the MODX6 Performances that contain your User Arps (write them down, if necessary, if it’s a lot of them).

Touch “Contents” > “Store/Save”
Set the “Content Type” = Library File
Execute the file creation... name the file “ArpTransfer”
This will create a .X8L file that we will load temporarily into a MODX7 Library location.

Press [UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Load” > Set the “Content Type” = Library File
Load this “ArpTransfer” file.
Once you have installed these to your MODX7’s FLASH Memory, you can use the “LIBRARY IMPORT“ function, to add the Performances containing your Arps to your current MODX7 User Bank.

On the MODX7 use “Library Import”
[UTILITY] > “Contents” > “Library Import” > select the “ArpTransfer” folder — it will open and show you a list of Performances.
You can have them in the order you made them (or reverse) “Date” or you can alphabetize them (or reverse) “Name”... place a check mark next to each Performance you know uses one of your custom Arps. These Performances will be added to those currently in your MODX7 User Bank.

This works because Loading a LIBRARY never overwrites anything... so by installing the data as a Library, then *importing* just the Performances we want to the USER Bank... you can add these to the current MODX7 User Bank without overwriting any data currently in that User Bank.

Once you have completed the LIBRARY IMPORT... you go to “Data Utility” > select the “Library” folder > tap “ArpTransfer” > a pop-in menu appears > tap “Delete” to remove our temporary data.

If you look in the “Data Utility” > “Arp” folder, you will see that your new User Arps have joined the others already in the MODX7 User Bank.
640 Performances and 256 User Arps can occupy the User Bank.
These Arps can be assigned freely, wherever you need them. Be sure you Save your work... when do you need to SAVE? Any time you have invested energy programming new stuff or changing existing data... SAVE a file...

Hope that helps.

Posted : 12/09/2020 12:48 am
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Excellent, Phil, this was exactly what I was looking for. Thx a lot! Glad to have a fix if ever I manage to mess up the data again...

As you might have guessed, the MODX7 is in my studio and the MODX6 is in the rehearsal room. While I'm creating my performances in the studio, they may be modified at the rehearsal. Obviously I want the data of two keyboards to be in sync at any time. I could do this by saving/loading a backup file which is a no-brainer, but is somewhat time consuming (I have some libraries loaded). I think the best way to achieve this is by transfering my data as a user file. This should also ensure that my perfomances keep the same Bank Select/Prog Chg, which is important for me as I use external software to control my rig setup per song. Do you agree or am I overlooking sth.?

Thanks again for your help.

Posted : 12/09/2020 12:12 pm

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