I would like to trigger a custom arp (set to toggle/hold) from the C7 of the MODX8. I want to use the rest of the keyboard for other sounds, so i want to limit triggering to only the C7. Limiting the "range" doesn't seem to work, as it limits the range available to the arp? Limiting the "Note Limit" in the arp edit, seems to do the same thing, which seems redundant that both functions do the same thing? I may be remembering this incorrectly, but didn't the "Note Limit" (in the part/arp edit) control the triggering range in the XF/MOXF's?
You limit the trigger notes by
1) Edit the Part (touch PART number on [PERFORMANCE] / home screen, then choose "Edit" option)
2) Menu "Arpeggio" -> "Common"
3) Modify the "Note Limit" low note as C7 and high note as C7
This is what is needed to limit the trigger note. Turn on the master AND part arp switches. You'll see that only pressing the C7 for that PART will produce any output.
What's confusing is that although the ARP is limited to ONLY C7 - and the rest of the "regular" notes have no limit (C-2 to G8) - that no other notes seem to speak other than C7. It /can/ appear that the Arpeggio Note Limit also, redundantly, limits the "regular" note limit too. This is not true. I'm not sure the system is the best - I'd rather the ARP rules apply only to the range limited by the ARP's note limit. However, this is not how it works. Once you turn on ARP for a given PART - it takes over the entire PART. If you want to hear the "regular" notes on the rest of the keyboard - you need to change the key mode. My assumption is that your key mode is "SORT" - which means only the arpeggio notes will play and that they will be presented in a specific order. The important part is the rule of "ONLY THE ARPEGGIO NOTES WILL PLAY". If you are outside of the range of trigger for the arpeggio, then when ARP is on - no notes will sound since you are not triggering the ARP -- and "sort" (or "thru" ) both mean to only play arpeggio notes. To add "regular" notes, you need to add "Direct". So "Direct+Sort" would allow for your regular notes to play because "Direct" means to play the notes directly as you play them PLUS allow the arpeggio to play in order of "sort". If you are playing notes anywhere OUTSIDE of the arpeggio note limit area, then "direct" will be the only notes that sound - because you are not triggering any ARP. What's "not great" is that when you play the one note in your ARP note limit range - BOTH the direct AND arpeggio notes will play at the same time. This may not be what you want for this one trigger note.
There is a "way out" - what you would do is "notch out" this C7 from playing the "regular" note (non-ARP). Doing this will also make the key C7 NOT play anything when you hit C7 if the ARP is turned off. So decide if the artifact of having the "regular" note sound on top of the C7 note arpeggio matters or not. You would "notch out" C7 from the regular note by editing the PART, then going to the standard (non-ARP) note limits "Part Settings" -> "General" and set the note limit to: Low Note = C#7, High Note = B6. This is an inverse range which defines only C7 as a non-range note and all other notes as in-range.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Thanks for the information! I thought it worked like you explained, but I must have made some error, as the arp wouldn't play. After reading your response, I tried again and it worked!! Not sure what was wrong the first time, but working now.
Thanks for your help!
“Part Note Limits” determine what notes sound from that Part, “Arp Note Limits” determine which notes will control that Part.
Possible cause: If you are using the “Keyboard” pop-in menu to set the Note Limit range, don’t forget to Exit the real-time Key Select mode before attempting to verify the selection by playing. The “Keyboard” pop-in is green while data entry is active, it turns grey when inactive. Until you are aware of this, it can sometimes be an issue as you expect the Note to do something and actually you’re still in the data entry mode. However, once you are aware of activating/deactivating the Key Select Function, it stops being an issue.
Key data entry remains active until you deactivate it - in a typical use case you would be entering info for several regions...