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Turn screen off – like, blank it completely

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 6
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Hello Yamaha Support Team,


(at this point I refuse to believe this forum consists of many non-representatives)


is it anyhow possible to completely disable / turn off the screen while playing? While I initially purchased the the MODX for synth, I also intend to use it as practice instrument for learning piano (a sheet music rest would have been a nice feature in that regard btw, but I believe you limited that to the MODX8 for some weird reason / to save money?).


The glarring screen (that unfortunately cannot be dimmed at all) is kinda annoying while doing so. I already know you'll tell me there's no 'official' way to turn it off, but then again, you're also not the Microsoft support... So perhaps there's some *unofficial* trick to accomplish that goal? 🙂


I read somewhere plugging in an external monitor via USB / DisplayLink (to which there are numerous tutorials out there) will disable the screen as long as the monitor supports touch input. So I'd assume this effect could be reproduced by some HDMI monitor faker dongle perhaps?


But perhaps there's also some kind of maintenance menu on the MODX that would allow so?









This topic was modified 1 month ago by 90110n
Posted : 18/08/2024 10:15 pm
Blake Angelos
Posts: 212
Member Admin


There is no way to disable the Touchscreen or dim it down. I know of one other person who wanted to do this and they simply covered the screen with a small plastic cover when playing. As the MODX is a synthesizer there are many editable parameters.

What I can suggest is to mention this as a feature request on IdeaScale. This is a community where people can post feature requests and product recommendations. 

Posted : 19/08/2024 4:27 pm
Rebecca reacted

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